London panel focuses on Turkey-UK relations

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

London panel focuses on Turkey-UK relations
France's ambition in Syria is a limited strategy small victory

France's ambition in Syria is a limited strategy, small victory

The airstrikes launched by the United States, Britain and France on regime positions in Syria provided all with a sense of victory


Joint airstrike by the U.S., France and U.K. after the Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons in Douma is a ticket back to the table for the U.S., French and British leaders

Even though the U.S., U.K. and France acted against Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons, it's not the first time nor will it end the plight of the Syrian people

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, and threatened to use military power in response to this deplorable act.

The international community needs to generate effective solutions more than ever to end the suffering of the Syrian people

Kosovo is only a beginning

Washington should consider Ankara as an important ally instead of depending on terrorist organizations since it has proven its determination and success on the ground

Kosovo is only a beginning
Turkey's foreign policy shaped by interests not ideology

Turkey's foreign policy shaped by interests, not ideology

Critics would like to blame shifts in Turkish foreign policy on ideology, but it's national interest that drives Ankara's key decisions


Why is the PKK targeting the Turks living in Germany? To what extent is the PKK a threat to Germany? What is Germany’s policy towards the PKK?

The Ankara summit, which facilitated closer cooperation between Turkey, Russia and Iran in Syria, fueled two concerns in Western capitals

Turkey's war against the PKK and the People's Protection Units (YPG) is often presented as a Turkey versus Kurds storyline in mainstream, international media outlets.

The chaotic divergence in the U.S. administration aside, Washington has no complete policy for Syria

President Trump has come up with a new kind of diplomacy, of sharing tweets on social media to either shape U.S. foreign policy or fire his top officials whenever he finds it necessary

Sergei Skripal worked as a double agent for Russian and British intelligence agencies and helped to uncover some of Russia's intelligence operations in Europe.

If the U.S. really wants to withdraw from Syria and stop meddling in Middle Eastern politics, it should start by reconsidering the ideological profiles of major policy makers in Washington

The Afrin operation changed the situation in northern Syria significantly.

A new basis for cooperation between Turkey and the EU is needed instead of tensions that could further strain relations

Operation Olive Branch conducted by Turkey has proved that following the defeat of Daesh, there is no need for the presence of the PKK's Syrian offshoot the People's Protection Units (YPG) in the region, experts said in a panel titled, "The Political and Military Consequences of the Afrin Operation" organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) in Ankara.

Turkey has executed two successful military operations in northern Syria. After Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkish security forces undertook Operation Olive Branch with fewer human losses and less cost.

Following successful counter terrorism operations in Northern Syria, Turkey resolute to entirely clean all of its borders with Syria and Iraq from terror elements

Washington should find a way to cooperate with Ankara as Trump steps toward creating a more homogeneous and hawkish administration on diplomacy, national security and the economy