"Not Realistic to Expect a Quick end for ISIS"

Relocating the Ottoman tomb in Syria was necessary to diminish risks of dragging Turkey into a conflict in the war-torn region and it is not realistic to expect total clearence of ISIS anytime soon, says regional expert Ulutaş.

quot Not Realistic to Expect a Quick end for ISIS
Time to Reconsider the Region's Affairs

Time to Reconsider the Region's Affairs

With Iran's influence on the rise and proxy wars being fought in multiple countries, there are but two options available to Middle Eastern nations: More of the same or a fresh start.


In response to the most recent developments, foreign fighters became a top priority for the intelligence community in Turkey and other European countries.

Discursive criticisms targeting Turkey since day one of the uprisings in the Middle East may be categorized under three headings: Discourses claiming that Turkey acts ideological, the discourse of “precious loneliness”, and the irrationality discourse.

The AK Party's opponents at home (i.e. leftists, secularists, Gülenists and Kurdish radicals) made notable efforts to help Turkey's image at the international level worsen.

What is the ISIS strategy in the north of Iraq? In which regions do the Peshmerga-ISIS clashes intensify? Who are the partners of the prospective coalition against ISIS and what do they aim for?

Kobani: A City on Fire

The recent clashes around Kobani are once more demonstrating that the military airstrikes by the international coalition will not be sufficient to eradicate the ISIS from the region without a comprehensive strategy to resolve the crisis in Syria and Iraq at the same time.

Kobani A City on Fire
Opportunism and the Disease of Pragmatism

Opportunism and the Disease of Pragmatism

The Kurdish political movements in both Syria and Turkey should give up being pragmatists in order to have pragmatic gains. The Kurdish political movements should also give up being opportunists in order to benefit from the opportunities in the region.


In a post-ISIS region, it is likely new radical groups claiming to wage jihad bent on shattering the Middle East's religious environment will emerge. Such radicalization in Turkey's neighborhood has become a growing threat.

Although military strikes against ISIS targets are conducted with the support of many Sunni Arab countries, this will not prove that the Sunnis in Iraq are fully supportive of these operations.

Forty-nine hostages were rescued from ISIS after a successful operation. Considering the delicacy of the situation, the supervision and conduct of this operation appear worthy of commendation.

Ending sectarian politics and establishing a new inclusive government in Baghdad is essential to diminishing the continuing support for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), foreign policy expert Mehmet Özkan stresses.

First and foremost, the Abadi government will have to accumulate enough power to discourage Sunni tribes from joining ISIS fighters. The main question remains: what will happen once ISIS is defeated?

First of all, it is not clear how ISIS will be destroyed and what the projected timeframe for this operation will be.

The U.S. is seriously considering taking action against ISIS now even though the chaos in Syria and Iraq could have been avoided if the U.S. had taken action in the first place.

Does the civilization discourse of the AK Party, which ended the exclusion of religious Muslims and the Kurds from the public sphere, produce a form of, albeit more inclusive, nationalism?

How has the rebellion against the Maliki administration in Iraq started? Who are the Sunni groups other than ISIS fighting in the field? What is the ultimate goal of these groups?

A successful transition in Iraq towards stability will require meangingful decentralisation, an equitable plan for oil revenue distribution - and a lot of compromise on all sides.

Unlike in the aftermath of World War I, none but the Middle East's own children are to blame for the turmoil that the region experiences today.

The turbulent and unstable state of the Middle East invites us to reconsider every possible option in order to reach longstanding stability and cooperation.