Repeating the same mistakes of Iraq invasion in Syria

The U.S. to continue the militarization of the YPG without using terms such as army or border force..

Repeating the same mistakes of Iraq invasion in Syria
Turkey-U S relations at its lowest level

Turkey-U.S. relations at its lowest level

U.S. officials responsible for Washington's Syria policy have been suffering from a lapse of reason when it comes to judging Turkey's priorities. It would appear that they are content with the prospect of driving Turkey-U.S. relations to the ground by ignoring Ankara's concerns about the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) presence in northern Syria.


The YPG is the Syrian arm of the outlawed PKK that has been fighting against the Turkish state for years, so it is impossible for Ankara to accept any presence of these militants near its borders

By standing stronger than ever, it is high time for the Islamic world to increase cooperation against deadly terrorism in their countries

At the end of the day, the Jerusalem conflict that started being debated after Trump's decision, is likely to damage the U.S.'s position in the region

In the midst of the Saudi-Iranian polarization, that is promoted by many to stir up new troubles in the Middle East, Turkey seeks to pursue a balancing policy

A warning to Washington from a troubled region

Everyone seems to agree that Turkey-U.S. relations are going through a rough patch. Throughout history, there had been ups and downs in bilateral relations. However, the problems between Ankara and Washington at a time of global uncertainty and deepening regional conflicts are indicative of a different kind of structural crisis.

A warning to Washington from a troubled region
Heavy price of saving the day in the Middle East

Heavy price of saving the day in the Middle East

We need to see that a big, malevolent game is being played. Of course, regional countries' faulty strategies, steps to save the day and especially elites' efforts to gain ground in domestic politics catalyze foreign powers' manipulations and interventions. However, it is indisputable that the region is currently facing a new policy of disintegration plotted by foreign powers.


In retrospect, this neo-medieval order did not emerge by happenstance or as a result of sporadic developments, but as a result of a deliberate, flexible and long-term regional transformation strategy conducted by the U.S. and its interlocutors.

Making significant progress in the fight against Daesh, Ankara must now watch out for the terrorist group's next-generation attacks such as vehicles plowing through crowds and using sleeper cells

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is considering either incorporating the KRG peshmerga into the Iraqi military or keeping it as a minor local force. It is very obvious to what extent this recession troubles the KRG, which has tried to realize self-governance since 1991. It is safe to say that the situation has traumatized the collective memory of Kurdish nationalists.

The reappearance of discourse on ‘moderate Islam', possibly with on the U.S. administration's request, cannot be a solution in the fight against extremism

Trump's new strategy on Iran and the nuclear deal is likely to also have a huge impact on U.S. allies in the region

Even if the ongoing row around Al-Aqsa Mosque ends peacefully, new tensions fueled by Israel for its interests will continue appearing

Erdoğan keeps a tab on the EU's unfulfilled promises and talks about Europe's unreliability in the public. That's why, the image of him the EU leaders have is he is as an authoritarian Turk

Since the eruption of the crisis and its aftermath, it has become clear that this is not the best way to stop the destabilizing policies of other actors in the region.

The Gulf clearly wants to fuel polarization between Sunnis and Shiites in the region to contain Iran and, believing Turkey's partnership with Qatar to be an obstacle before their agenda, wants to sever Doha's ties with Ankara

SETA Foreign Policy Studies Director Ufuk Ulutaş said that the recent Gulf crisis is an attempt to redesign Middle East politics and it is not about the alleged support of terrorism by Qatar, but rather a result of Qatar following its own terms in regional matters.

It is true that the Iran expansionism is one of the great threats that must be stopped. However, Trump's current policy on Iran could only cause more chaos and terror in the Middle East

Turkey, which liberated the Azaz-Jarablus and al-Bab areas from Daesh terrorists as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, will not move out from the region until the Syrian equation is determined.

The Raqqa operation, which is expected to be the next step in the fight against Daesh terrorists in Syria, can achieve success only with the support of legitimate local actors