The Logic of YPG Car Bomb Attacks in Syria | A Strategy of Chaos and Disorder

The report presents the number and time line of the YPG car bomb attacks, elaborates on the different types of car bomb attacks, and discusses the YPG’s strategy of employing a great number of such attacks in Syria.

The Logic of YPG Car Bomb Attacks in Syria A
Greece s Unlikely Compellence Air Force Modernization amp Diplomatic Assertiveness

Greece’s Unlikely Compellence | Air Force Modernization & Diplomatic Assertiveness

Due to the current uncertain trajectory of Greek military modernization, this paper discusses the strategic logic that guides its armament and diplomatic activism rather than a measurement of the emerging balance of power. In line with its compellence strategy, Greece wants to command the Aegean Sea and to deny the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to Turkey.


This study analyzes Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean policy and tries to define the priorities and dimensions of the geopolitical struggle in the Eastern Mediterranean as a response to recent approaches to reduce the definition and frame of Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean policy.

Strategic Flexibility under Geopolitical Anxiety

We are happy to present the fifth edition of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR). The EIR 2019 includes a general assessment of Islamophobia in Europe in the year 2019 and 32 country reports that include almost all EU member states and additional countries such as Russia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. The EIR 2019 brought together 35 scholars, experts, and civil society activists from various European countries who are specialized on racism and Islamophobia studies.

Islamofobie in Nederland Nationaal Verslag 2018

Islamophobia in Italia Rapporto Nazionale 2018

Islamophobia in Italia Rapporto Nazionale 2018

Islamophobia in Italia Rapporto Nazionale 2018
SETA Security Radar Turkey's Security Landscape in 2020

SETA Security Radar | Turkey's Security Landscape in 2020

SETA Security Radar attempts to anticipate the course of major security issues Turkey faces and how to develop and enhance sound and relevant responses within this increasingly challenging regional security environment.


This study examines how terrorist organizations use UAV technology by learning from each other and analyzes their adaptation processes.

This report aims to highlight the characteristics of hybrid war and the way in which the Russian Federation implemented them in Ukraine between 2014 and 2018.

Cavusoglu voices concern over growing racism, discriminatory policies against Turks, Muslims in Western Europe

“The overwhelming majority of European states do not record Islamophobic incidents as a separate category of hate crime. The recording of anti-Muslim/Islamophobic crimes by the police as a separate category of hate crime is essential to uncover the real extent of this problem and to develop counter-strategies to combat it.

Violent acts are an outcome of the violent ideology of racist dehumanization. Muslims are increasingly becoming victims solely because of their faith.

Islamophobic language by high-ranking politicians, mostly from the far right, normalizes a dehumanizing and racist language when it comes to the por- trayal of Muslims. This reduces the threshold of what is considered utterable and overall acceptable in public discourse and legitimizes discrimination of Muslims as human beings and as citizens.

The media plays a crucial role in the reproduction and normalization of anti-Muslim racism.

Governments and political parties implement or demand legislations that directly target Muslims as religious subjects, treating them differently than members of other religious communities

Ankara-based think tank releases report, underlines dynamics that support Islamophobia in Europe

Publication of the “European Islamophobia Report 2018” on the European week of action against Islamophobia

The objective of this report is to scrutinize the effectiveness of the reconstruction efforts as part of Turkey’s security-oriented active policies in the light of the developments in Syria.

This work aims to provide a timely and accessible assessment of the challenges awaiting Turkey in 2019. Hence, SETA Security Radar: Turkey’s Security Landscape in 2019 pertains to the following topics: Turkey’s role in Syria, Turkey’s counterterrorism strategy, Turkey’s military activism, the Turkish defense agenda, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean, and Turkey’s bilateral relations with the United States and Russia.

In this study, the history of Islamic finance in Turkey is scrutinized by considering its development in the world through present and future projections.