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Turkey s Reconstruction Model in Syria

Turkey’s Reconstruction Model in Syria

The objective of this report is to scrutinize the effectiveness of the reconstruction efforts as part of Turkey’s security-oriented active policies in the light of the developments in Syria.

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Although in literature the process of reconstruction consists of three phases, considering Turkey’s reconstruction efforts in Syria, the reconstruction process may actually be explained in ten phases. Turkey’s security priorities and the need to manage the consequences of the conflicts in Syria with a permanent and sustainable strategy have necessitated that Turkey adopt a pragmatic approach in the execution of its reconstruction efforts. In this regard, Turkey aims: To provide emergency services needed by the civilian population, To eliminate infrastructure failures and make these regions habitable, To ensure institutionalization at “local” level through the self-administration of local people, and To ensure the self-sufficiency of the locals. At the moment, Syria stands as a current example of a country torn apart by war and Turkey, in the course of the conflicts in Syria, has provided a new model for reconstruction initiatives based on its successful efforts in northern Syria.
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