Apology Diplomacy and Asia-Pacific

If the leaders want to avoid crises that can endanger the economies of the countries, they will find a way to contain these crises. In this sense, apology diplomacy between the countries will have its own cost.

Apology Diplomacy and Asia-Pacific
Dominating Asia AIIB and the US-Chinese Economic Battle

Dominating Asia: AIIB and the US-Chinese Economic Battle

As the Middle East continues to be dominated by age-old rivalries, unresolved conflicts and protracted ethno-sectarian traumas, the epicenter of global hegemonic competition has shifted to the Asia-Pacific, where China and the U.S. are involved in a multipronged struggle for political, economic and geostrategic domination.


A presidential system will also allow better macro-policy coordination among the Finance, Development, Industry and Social Security Ministries and international trade, as there will be a clear line of upward hierarchy and better performance monitoring.

If Japanese foreign policymakers want to have an autonomous foreign policy, they need to find innovative ways to lower the impact of these limitations and respond to the potential skepticism that may arise in public opinion in regards to the goals and missions of this foreign policy.

As for now, the Turkish Central Bank stands loyal to its neoliberal legal framework and continues to aim for inflation control at the expense of other macroeconomic goals.

As an emerging power from the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey must be more visible in Latin America and we very likely will be.

Turkey's Middle Power Diplomacy in the G-20

Turkey's policy entrepreneurship within the G-20 has been weaker compared to similar middle powers, but holding the rotating presidency presents a golden opportunity to upgrade its activism in economic diplomacy platforms.

Turkey's Middle Power Diplomacy in the G-20
New Turkey and the G-20 Presidency

New Turkey and the G-20 Presidency

The fact that Turkey will take over the presidency of the G-20 from Australia on Dec. 1, 2014 is a critical development in terms of Turkey's ongoing efforts to establish itself as a major emerging power with a strong voice on global issues.


Is the U.N. going to fulfill its role and its premises to stop the genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, humanitarian disasters and massacres around the world? Or is it going to watch as people suffer in different parts of the world?

Japanese foreign policy, which launched proactive diplomacy in recent years, especially with Prime Minister Abe's foreign trips to different countries, has been trying to form a new doctrine in its approach to foreign relations.

U.S. President Barack Obama headed to Asia for multi-country tour that will include Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Along with Turkey's economic dynamism and developmental momentum, Turkish diplomacy is also likely to evolve in a parallel direction whereby economic and technological concerns take center stage with a focus on global competitiveness.

Among observers of the historical trajectory of global capitalism, it is conventional wisdom that successful "developmental alliances" require common visions and strategic partnerships between key state agencies and large-scale business interests.

Although the 19th century was the European century and the 20th century was the American century, it is forecasted that the 21st century will transform into a more global century led by Asia.