Is It Just a Battle of Words Between Trump and Kim? I Hope It Is

The conflict between the U.S. and North Korea has prompted some other crises in East Asia, dragging the whole region, with the involvement of other countries, into an unstoppable chaos

Is It Just a Battle of Words Between Trump and
North Korea Shakes All Regional Balances

North Korea Shakes All Regional Balances

The crisis in North Korea has already influenced every country in the region, changing the equations and balances among the governments


Trump should take into account public opinion in the U.S.'s two allied states in the region, South Korea and Japan, before escalating its nuclear tension with Kim Jong Un

Whatever happens between the U.S. and North Korea in the current crisis, the Asia-Pacific will continue to constitute the locus of global hegemonic struggles in the long run

In the wake of rising geopolitical tensions among major global powers, rising far-right movements and xenophobia, economic protectionism and regional turf wars, nation-states are strongly reasserting themselves

It is time for global actors to take some initiatives against the security crisis led by the unpredictable regime in North Korea

Pursuing the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Middle East

Acting as a stabilizing force in a volatile region requires constant economic and technological prowess

Pursuing the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the Middle East
Nuclear Missile Threats Forming Alliances in Asia

Nuclear Missile Threats Forming Alliances in Asia

At this point it is not clear what options the U.S. is really considering and if armed intervention is among them, something that has never been done against a nuclear power before due to the risks.


The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations

The already weakened ties with allies in the region due to former U.S. President Obama's policies may receive another blow after the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, unless Trump is quick to take action to fix ties

The diversity of the cyberattacks demonstrated to the incoming Trump administration that it must try to stop any possible attacks, while improving its ability to be pro-active and retaliate

The Asia Pacific still is in the periphery in both Trump and Clinton's major addresses to the U.S. public opinion

The most critical question about security in the Asia-Pacific region will continue to be the crises between China and its neighbors in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

As the electorate goes to the polls for a critical repeat election on Nov. 1, Turkey is longing for the virtuous circle of political and economic stability it became used to between 2002 and 2015.

In the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, the strategy that regional forces adopt will determine the future of the occupation in Iraq.

Today, genetically modified organism (GMO) foods are front and center in the discussion on food sustainability. While some allege that interfering in the genetic makeup of food items such as corn and wheat will be a hazard to human health and jeopardize the future of humankind, others view GMO foods as a ray of hope for impoverished nations. Claims that the world’s population is growing rapidly and that the world’s current food stock will not be able to meet the demands of this new population also affect the debate. Undoubtedly poverty and hunger are significant and life-threatening issues for human beings, and history provides evidence that starvation has wiped out entire generations, permanently transforming the demographic makeup of the earth.

SETA CONFERENCE By  Kim Beng Phar  Visiting Scholar, Waseda University, Organization of Asian Studies / SETA Research Fellow Date: November 15, 2007 Thursday Time: 15.00 - 16.30 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara   The Impact and Implication of East Asia as a Global Political Actor: The Risk/Perils of Indifference In, and by Turkey

SETA CONFERENCE By  Kim Beng Phar  Visiting Fellow, Waseda University, Organization of Asian Studies Date: August 27, 2007 Monday Time: 17.00 - 19.00 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara

The transition from Cho Seung-Hui, the South Korean student responsible for the Virgina Tech massacre, to the graphic killings in Malatya was fast and furious. No matter how hard we try to disconnect the two, there is a disturbing link. While we think how such a massacre could take place at an American university, those in the West speculate about the Malatya killings.