Erdoğan-Trump meeting stops S-400 dispute

The leader-to-leader diplomacy between the U.S. and Turkey at the G20 summit was crucial in defusing the S-400 dispute and turned it into a potential communication tool for bilateral ties

Erdoğan-Trump meeting stops S-400 dispute
Is China's 'Peaceful Rise' over

Is China's 'Peaceful Rise' over?

Within the framework of a shift in global economic gravity, Chinese assertiveness and political-military vision regarding East Asia is creating heated debates with U.S. representatives at international summits


The U.S. announced Monday it will not renew special waivers that allowed eight countries, including Turkey, to import Iranian oil without violating renewed sanctions.

The Trump administration continues to violate the basic principles of the international order established by the U.S. itself after World War II because the system no longer serves its interests. Rising global and regional powers, such as India, Indonesia and especially China, are the main beneficiaries of the continuation of the current system. The U.S. has been pursuing paradoxical policies, especially for the last decade.

In the last few years, it has become commonplace to question the future of the alliance between Turkey and the U.S. Some pundits emphasized the various disagreements between the two countries to indicate that the alliance has weakened and does not have the same strategic weight it used to have in previous decades.

The U.S.' unilateral sanctions on Iran have made it more difficult to do business in Iran and trade with Iranian companies, according to Turkish businesspeople and experts

A witch hunt in the White House?

It is a rather confusing time for outside observers to understand what is taking place in the U.S. administration today.

A witch hunt in the White House
Trump-Kim agreement A diplomatic success or a public spectacle

Trump-Kim agreement: A diplomatic success or a public spectacle?

U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Leader Kim Jong Un's historic summit on Sentosa Island, Singapore ended with the signing of a document and joint statement from the two leaders. The two agreed to work on complete denuclearization and joining their efforts to build lasting and stable peace on the Korean Peninsula.


As the new site of international hegemonic competition, East Asia perfectly reflects the multipolar character of the global system

Late Secretary of State Kissinger's style of dealmaking may help President Trump find a way to improve on his repetitive and ineffective foreign policy strategies

We have been on the road with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who visited Uzbekistan and South Korea, since Sunday. The election campaign has had no effect on the Turkish leader's foreign trips. His ability to form the People's Alliance early on made it possible for him to make prescheduled trips.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan , who also holds the position of president for the OIC Summit, paid a historic visit to Uzbekistan as an indication of recently intensifying bilateral relations between the two countries.

If everything goes well during the negotiations, not only will the politics and security of the Korean peninsula change, but also the whole geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific region

As Presidents Moon and Kim conduct early rounds of peace negotiations, the issues of denuclearization and drawing up a formal peace treaty to officially end the Korean War will be high on the agenda

The Trump administration's controversial decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports stimulated discussions on the virtues of protectionism and free trade liberalism once again.

Finally moving from the realm of political rhetoric to concrete policy action on combative foreign trade, the Trump administration formally paved the way for potential global trade wars by imposing a 25 percent tariff on steel and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports.

The surprising announcement of a possible meeting between Trump and Kim raises more questions than gives answers

The U.S.'s approach to the crises in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Palestine since 2010 has been about its experience of the hegemonic crisis.

Deliberate categorizations such as the ‘Fragile Five' constitute part of the soft power mechanism intended to keep global capital away from Turkey and constitute financial pressure on Turkish policy makers

Trump's visit to five countries in Asia is a good opportunity for the U.S. to restore diplomatic ties with regional countries