Does Turkey have to Stand Idly against YPG Terrorism?

It is impossible for Turkey to stand idly by while YPG terrorists interfere in Idlib and threaten the security of the whole region

Does Turkey have to Stand Idly against YPG Terrorism
Where Turkey Stands on the KRG Independence Referendum

Where Turkey Stands on the KRG Independence Referendum?

A strong advocate of maintaining Iraq's territorial integrity, Turkey believes that the formal disintegration of its southern neighbor could create a domino effect in the Middle East.


Unfortunately, the ambitions of regional powers stop them from addressing pressing problems. The Qatar crisis is a case in point.

Turkish policy makers backing Doha is a highly significant approach to reconcile Qatar and its opposition

SETA Foreign Policy Studies Director Ufuk Ulutaş said that the recent Gulf crisis is an attempt to redesign Middle East politics and it is not about the alleged support of terrorism by Qatar, but rather a result of Qatar following its own terms in regional matters.

Washington's flawed Daesh policy, which was cooked for Barack Obama and reheated for Mr. Trump, pushed regional powers to use terrorist groups as proxies.

Can Trump Contain Iran?

It is true that the Iran expansionism is one of the great threats that must be stopped. However, Trump's current policy on Iran could only cause more chaos and terror in the Middle East

Can Trump Contain Iran
Economist Mind Your Own Business

Economist, Mind Your Own Business

Turkish people are really fed up with the stereotyped opposition news against their country by certain Western media outlets such as the recent one by the Economist


Turkey, which liberated the Azaz-Jarablus and al-Bab areas from Daesh terrorists as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, will not move out from the region until the Syrian equation is determined.

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Turkey's decision to extend its existing offensive in Syria is quite audacious, but it has no choice other than to assume its active role in the Syrian civil war, which is the root cause of many problems in the Middle East

To make the region stronger and politically more powerful, Turkey and the Gulf states should shoulder the responsibility and start taking steps to develop a close mutual cooperation

Following the warm phone call between presidents Trump and Erdoğan, the CIA head's Ankara visit was the first face-to-face start of the new negotiation era between Turkey and the U.S., which heralds the change of power balance approaching the Middle East

The PKK is an existential threat for both Iraq and Turkey. Baghdad, Irbil and Ankara need to work more closely on counterterrorism to succeed

The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey cannot be discussed without taking the national, regional and global developments and conjuncture into consideration

A new balance of power is emerging between Russia and the U.S. as well as among regional powers including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army needs to liberate al-Bab and reinforce the safe zone with moderates who left eastern Aleppo under the Turkey-Russia deal

People who try to force another secularist regime down the throat of the Middle East need to take a step back and face the fact that it will take religious legitimacy, as opposed to secularism, to overcome sectarian clashes.

To overcome the challenges that the region faces today, we must promote a democratic system capable of accommodating Muslim demands and respect diversity

Ankara is firmly back in action as an emerging power acting proactively in regional and global matters

The increasing intensity of terrorist attacks on Turkish soil by both DAESH and PKK operatives demonstrate that Turkey's entrance in Syria will create shockwaves by the illicit structures on the ground.