The NATO Summit and the future of transatlantic relations

It seems that Western unity has slowly shattered over the last decade with most Western or Western-dominated international organizations starting to splinter.

The NATO Summit and the future of transatlantic relations
European expectations for Sunday's elections

European expectations for Sunday's elections

European states have established an anti-Erdoğan and anti-AK Party international coalition in the run up to the June 24 elections


The return of Syrians to Syria should be a combined international effort. While the murder of a Syrian woman in Adapazarı is still fresh in our minds, political parties are playing with fire by fueling a hatred of Syrians

Europe is suffering from domestic challenges, identity problems, politicians trapped in short-term visions and shallow thinking

Critics would like to blame shifts in Turkish foreign policy on ideology, but it's national interest that drives Ankara's key decisions

The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), one of the leading think tanks in Turkey, has been publishing its annual "European Islamophobia Report" (EIR) for the last three years.

The Vatican and beyond: Europe's new political issues and Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis. His official visit was significant because it was the first time in 59 years that a Turkish president has gone to the Vatican.

The Vatican and beyond Europe's new political issues and Turkey
Is the way to Davos the liberal collapse in a

Is the way to Davos the liberal collapse in a fractured world?

As the captains of global capitalism gather in the serene surroundings of Davos, they have a mammoth task to figure out how to maintain liberalism's international relevance in a world fractured by hegemonic conflicts and extreme ideologies


Western political elites have developed three opinions about Islam and Muslims, which I will try to describe briefly here. The first and the most popular Western perception is anti-Islamism.

The West does not seem to be bothered much about the rising tide of micro-nationalism in the Middle East, which is categorically perceived as an endemic conflict zone

The current crisis with the West is structural and genuine. But the talk about Turkey turning its back on the West is used for operational purposes.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel needs to learn certain lessons from Charlottesville. Mrs. Merkel, who lays claim to the leadership of the free world in the face of Mr. Trump's populism, could be following in his footsteps without even knowing it

The latest terrorist attack in Barcelona at the popular Las Ramblas tourist attraction, known from George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia," killed 13 people and constitutes the most recent unfortunate incident in this context

In the wake of rising geopolitical tensions among major global powers, rising far-right movements and xenophobia, economic protectionism and regional turf wars, nation-states are strongly reasserting themselves

China is trying to complete its internal consolidation and regional connectivity through initiatives. However, patient observers will not have to wait long to witness the gradual transformation of China's cautious attitude into one of global, diplomatic proactivity

Foreseeing the crisis of the Western world order, Turkey, at the demand of its people, is leaving the westernization policies as its official policy

Turkey is a country that can continue its relations with European countries without the tutelage of the EU

With the April 16 constitutional referendum just three weeks away, both sides have fielded their heavyweights as part of a last-ditch effort to impress voters. The interference of European politicians and media outlets in the referendum in support of the "no" campaign completely politicized the process.

Many European analysts have argued that 2017 could be a critical juncture for Europe due to important elections in certain European countries, especially after the Brexit referendum. A major part of this juncture will have something to do with the reaction of mainstream European parties and politicians to this intolerant discourse

The old continent is rapidly losing its promise to preserve human dignity, fundamental rights and liberties in the deep abyss of its exaggerated fears

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism