What's next after Minneapolis?

A wave of protests has been shaking the United States for the past week. The riots, which started in Minneapolis when a white police officer caused an African American's death by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes, spread to 25 major cities. As the initially peaceful anti-racist protests took a violent turn, the United States government deployed the National Guard and military units. The media reports, depicting streets on fire, luxury stores being looted and soldiers on the ground, make the U.S. seem like a Middle Eastern or African nation grappling with civil war.

What's next after Minneapolis
I can't breathe ' neither can the world

'I can't breathe,' neither can the world

In the last few days, some of the commentators started to argue that the chaos and the violence in some of the American cities after the death of George Floyd is reminiscent of the anarchy in the streets of Gotham City. Both in the sequels of "Batman" and in the movie "Joker," Gotham represents a decaying city with social unrest and frequent riots.


There is an ongoing debate on Syrian refugees in Istanbul, who are being asked to return to the provinces where they were registered. The media extensively covered complaints by Syrians about the 30-day grace period.

In history textbooks for the next generation, the Syrian civil war will probably be one of the most critical aspects to study. Aside from the length and complexity of the civil war, the humanitarian catastrophe it has created in the midst of the Middle East and in front of the eyes of everybody will be one of the most unforgettable dimensions of it.

The latest wave of ultranationalism, xenophobia and anti-Islamism in Europe has been threatening the very essence of modern values and institutions, namely the liberalism and internationalism mainly represented by the EU.

What is the hijab ban all about? Does this regulation not contradict with the principle of freedom of religion? How is the ban legitimized? What was the reaction of the opposition parties? What will be done by Muslims?

A toxic mix of white supremacy and Christian Zionism

All eyes in Turkey are set on this month's municipal elections, yet a significant transformation is underway in the Middle East. U.S. President Donald Trump, whose Jerusalem move drew ire, recognized Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights in a radical overhaul of U.S. foreign policy.

A toxic mix of white supremacy and Christian Zionism
How foreign policy became a campaign issue in Turkey's local

How foreign policy became a campaign issue in Turkey's local elections

Local elections in Turkey are taking on the character of general elections as foreign policy comes to dominate the conversation.


The horrific terror attack in New Zealand led to the death of 50 Muslims in two separate mosques in the city of Christchurch – the Al Noor and Linwood mosques.

The terrorist attack in New Zealand against Muslims was the deadliest attack in the country's history.

On Friday, a 28-year-old terrorist targeted two mosques in New Zealand and killed 50 innocent people, including children and women.

The killing of 49 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand was a terrorist act of critical importance. One of the terrorists, Australian Brenton Tarrant, broadcast the massacre live on social media after posting an 87-page manifesto online.

Neoliberal consensus has dissolved across Europe over the past 10 years..

Ali Erbas, the head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, says racism, xenophobia narrow areas of freedom

Neither a populist discourse nor a violent uprising can help opposition win the upcoming elections, as Turkish democracy has recently proven how strong it is in the face of such crises

Although the protesters' anger is directed against French elitism, we cannot afford to ignore that the ongoing crisis is crucial to the future of Europe and democracies around the world

President Erdogan: “There are many things that we can contribute to the European Union. They may have things to contribute to us but what should be done is, I suppose, to consult with 81 million people [in Turkey] and see what they will decide.”

The normalization of Turkey-EU relations is a development that inspires hope, even as global concerns such as migration, populism, the trade war, security threats and so on grow more intense

Turkey and Germany need each other more than ever to address and manage common threats such as trade wars, migration issues and security strategies, to name but a few pressing issues

By making this new proposal, Macron's goal is to prevent Russian pressure on Europe and keep Turkey in the EU's corner without granting the Turks full membership

The U.S. administration's anti-Turkey actions have led Ankara to simultaneously end its disagreements with EU countries and deepen its strategic partnership with Moscow