A new push in Turkey's democratization and development drive will await us on June 8 so that the accumulated legacy of the last decade is not wasted.
EIR will be authored by leading experts in the field of Islamophobia Studies and/or NGO-activists committed to the documentation of racism in respective nation states.
Tunisia and Morocco have improved their standards of democracy and positively responded to the demands of their people throughout the Arab Spring.
The Turkish people not only elected Erdogan, but they also voted against the founding ideology of the Republic.
Now with the World Cup frenzy in the world, and for the first time at this level in the U.S., Americans are one more time discovering the near-universality of soccer and also the feeling of fully participating in "a World Cup" along the other nations.
One year has passed since the Gezi Park protests, which began on May 31, 2013 and rapidly evolved into a wave of mass demonstrations and died down after approximately two weeks.
The Ak Party which integrated a discourse of civilization with Erdoğan's leadership, has the courage to confront all fears of the history of Turkish modernization.
In addition to sounding very familiar within the emerging norm of R2P (Responsibility to Protect), this feeling of responsibility also constitutes a significant but ignored pillar of great power legitimacy in international relations.
Politics in Turkey has been in normalization process in which different demands and identities come forward and the invisible becomes visible since 2002
The Gulen movement will be isolated from other Islamic groups as long as it breaks the Sunni codes. The accusations against it of acting against Turkeys national interests and joining an international alliance will also continue.
The West still does not trust the political actors holding Islamic traditions in the Middle East, and it does not know how to interact with them effectively.
In fact, the evidence suggests the contrary and that it is the Muslim democrats in the current government who initiated direct talks with the Kurds, the Alevis and the Roma people in Turkey for the first time in the Republic's history.