For years, the liberal/left discourse in Turkey misconstrued the “identity” debate to describe the “Kurdish question” through the Western-informed lens of the distinction between “good” and “bad.”
The old TurkeyÂ’s only actor who has changed neither radically nor genuinely, nor has even discussed the change, is the Turkish mainstream media.
The peace process will give us the opportunity to devise a more assertive and broader future by reconstructing a common “we” on a more righteous and healthier ground.
Given the projected direction and strategic vision of the message and notions used in the statement, this message represents a mental transformation and a paradigm change.
The million-dollar question, is this: Will the PKK manage to make tough decisions in 2013Â’s Turkey, where the tutelage regime is almost completely gone?
Kemalism has maintained its course through a kind of political reincarnation and via different groups of elites. Today, we face a similar picture under several headings, from the Syrian revolt to the solution of the Kurdish question.
The opportunity offered to the PKK to disarm today soon will be forced on it due to the newly shaping Mesopotamian geopolitics and ecosystem.
Öcalan becomes the first PKK actor who sees the “disarmament of the PKK” during the solution process not as a matter of choice but a necessity.
The AK Party makes the understanding the pillar of its policy that the status quo which maintains no-solution as its foundation can no longer be maintained.
The re-initiation of the İmralı talks is putting the political parties of the new Turkey through a very realistic test, albeit unintentionally.
If the PKK turns into a political actor and gives way to legal political channels, Turkey with this century-old political energy will not only guarantee social peace in a short period of time but also strengthen economic and political stability.
it is clear that the post-2002 Middle East has new circumstances, and each actorÂ’s ability to adapt to these will determine its future.
Today the PKK has to step up and pay the price for its role as an obstacle along Turkish peopleÂ’s path to the democratic standards they desire.
The following analysis summarizes recent developments on two items in TurkeyÂ’s political agenda: the anti-tutelage struggle; and the PKKÂ’s disarmament and the resolution of the Kurdish question.
Unless the PKK articulates the phrase “we can disarm” hypothetically, its disarmament in reality will not be possible.
During Ergenekon hearing, CHP deputies joined forces with radical left actors including the WorkerÂ’s Party (Ä°P) and the TGB.
Another approach to the analysis of the Syrian crisis is to acknowledge the massacres committed by the Assad regime, but in the end, to own up the analyses mentioned above.
Does the PKK, in the context of Turkey’s Kurdish question, intend to lay down its arms under any circumstance?
It is necessary to get rid of national security concerns based on false assumptions of past years in order to ensure social peace and regional effectiveness.
The statements of government circles, new initiatives taken by the CHP (Republican PeopleÂ’s Party) and the interview with Leyla Zana among others boosted hopes once again.