The Liberal Left's Politics of Fear

The liberal left repeated the mistakes of the Kemalist establishment that they so harshly criticized.

The Liberal Left's Politics of Fear
Turkey's Take on the Riyadh-Tehran Rivalry

Turkey's Take on the Riyadh-Tehran Rivalry

Although Ankara highlights the significance of not being a part of a sectarian war to avoid increasing ideological polarization in the Middle East, it stands closer to Riyadh than Tehran.


The HDP made significant progress in the political arena, but it must keep in mind that a toxic mix of violence and cross-national alliances will not secure legal status for their voters.

Reaching an agreement with Moscow and Washington on the Syrian civil war and fighting ISIS, the PKK and PKK-affiliated PYD in the region is the main topic on Ankara's agenda.

Former British PM Blair's answer to a question about the causes for the emergence of ISIS and the war in Iraq are confusing.

The most important issue facing the AK Party, and of course the Parliament that has been shaped by the Nov. 1 elections, is the writing up of a new, civilian constitution.

Never mind The Economist: Democratic stability matters

As the electorate goes to the polls for a critical repeat election on Nov. 1, Turkey is longing for the virtuous circle of political and economic stability it became used to between 2002 and 2015.

Never mind The Economist Democratic stability matters
Butterfly Effect The PKK's Actions not only Jeopardize Turks but

Butterfly Effect: The PKK's Actions not only Jeopardize Turks but US Citizens

It is in the hands of U.S. officials to avoid attacks targeting U.S. missions and citizens. The U.S. should be aware that the support being given to the PYD is also given to the DHKP-C.


The U.S. and Russia, two permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, have been caught fighting a proxy war in Syria on the pretext of fighting international terrorism.

Turkey is the country to have most directly experienced the effects of the Syrian civil war, which allows terrorist organizations such as the PKK and ISIS to further expand their terrorist attacks within the country

EU countries have now realized the threat of the Syrian refugee crisis reaching their borders, which Turkey has been warning them about since the beginning, and thus have come to solve the problem through working with Ankara.

In his latest interview with Obama on ‘60 Minutes', asking questions about fighting ISIS, the train-and-equip program and Russia's military involvement in Syria, Steve Kroft tried to drive the president into a corner

The political and economic foundations of New Turkey are not crumbling; in fact they have proved resilient and continue to withstand multiple challenges. The social fabric proved resistant against divisive political rhetoric and provocative calls for mass revolts against the public order.

The HDP sees the latest wave of attacks as a window of opportunity to support its anti-Erdoğan propaganda for the Nov. 1 elections. However, this discourse only benefits the West's campaign to smear Turkey

"The Syrian Crisis After the Russian Intervention," panel organized on Monday by the Ankara-based think tank Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA).

The grievous fact that hundreds of people were brutally killed and wounded by the latest suicide bombings in Ankara renders all strategies, political analyses and comments meaningless

The moral of this true story for starters on Turkey is to never take anything at face value in Turkey's wild politics.