Selling ‘anti-imperialism’ to Erdoğan

The opposition, which accuses Erdoğan of collaborating with the U.S. on the issue of Afghan refugees, is trying to give Erdoğan lessons in anti-imperialism. It is ridiculous to criticize a leader who has consistently shown a clear and strong stance against imperialism for many years

Selling anti-imperialism to Erdoğan
Saudi-Iran duet Will peace never come to Yemen

Saudi-Iran duet: Will peace never come to Yemen?

Yemeni civilians suffer the most from the conflicts of interest between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The crisis, both political and military in nature, has affected the entire Middle East region for years


Turkey hopes EU leaders will address issue in line with bloc's values, principles of int'l conventions, official says

Policymakers in the United States are trying to transform President Joe Biden’s campaign pledge – 'America is back' – into the Biden doctrine.

The Middle East is not a foreign policy priority for U.S. President Joe Biden – just as it wasn’t for his predecessors Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Yemen is one of the poorest countries of the Arab world and has been suffering for decades. Ali Abdallah Saleh's pre-Arab Spring administration was corrupt, leading the Yemeni people to take to the streets, eventually toppling the Saleh government in 2012 when the waves of the Arabic revolutions reached the country.

Turkey: Maritime deal with Libya 'red line' for Ankara

'No one can question' deal, 'especially France' says Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay

Turkey Maritime deal with Libya 'red line' for Ankara
To delay justice is injustice Rohingya crisis and Bangladesh s

To delay justice is injustice: Rohingya crisis and Bangladesh’s burden

History states that the Rohingya represent a distinct ethnic community that has evolved over the centuries in the Rakhine state of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Once, the Rohingya were a predominant feature of socio-political life in the country, yet successive military governments in Myanmar have consistently carried out a well-crafted coordinated campaign of brutal persecution and the dehumanization of the community – presumably with a view to wiping it out entirely.


Global cases of the coronavirus surpassed 1 million last week. Hardly anyone will be surprised if 2 million people are infected in a week’s time. With the exception of China, the coronavirus outbreak has not reached its peak in any country. Although the high mortality rate in Italy and Spain remains a cause for serious concern, governments around the world are slowly getting over the initial panic. Instead of seizing each other’s medical supplies, they are looking to cooperate.

As people across Turkey comply with the government’s call to stay home and declare their individual state of emergency, COVID-19 remains at the top of the nation’s agenda. Just as hygiene becomes an obsession, we cannot seem to stop talking about the virus outbreak.

Israel's occupation of Palestine and constant attacks to the unarmed civilians prove the harm the country causes to the World peace, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said

For the moment, it seems that there is no way to wake the European states and their media outlets up to the naked truth that the humanitarian crisis in Syria is not over and that refugees, fearing for their lives, are still fleeing the country in droves

The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) last week published a report on international media outlets and their operations in Turkey.

While Daesh cells still do carry out attacks in Manbij and other YPG/PKK-held areas, the neighboring opposition-held Al-Bab or Jarablus remain safe from Daesh attacks, both of them being among the areas Turkey cleaned from Daesh

The devastating humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where people are struggling to survive and save themselves from diseases, has gone largely unnoticed for years

Under the Trump administration, the United States will continue to ignore its global responsibilities.

Almost everyone agrees that there is a need for serious change in the structure of the U.N. However, there is no agreement on the nature and the direction of this change

Turkey’s vision of humanitarian aid is not about aid packages or vulnerable people waiting in line, says Emine Erdogan

Turkey has executed two successful military operations in northern Syria. After Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkish security forces undertook Operation Olive Branch with fewer human losses and less cost.

On Feb. 24, the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted Resolution 2401 asking the conflicting sides in the Syrian war for a 30-day cease-fire.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan went to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis. His official visit was significant because it was the first time in 59 years that a Turkish president has gone to the Vatican.