Erdoğan’s Qatar visit and new Gulf balances

Erdoğan’s visit to Qatar’s capital took place in the wake of three major developments.

Erdoğan s Qatar visit and new Gulf balances
Who cares about 'where Turkey is headed'

Who cares about 'where Turkey is headed'?

Erdoğan’s foreign policy remains true to the tradition of Turkish modernization. As the republic gets ready for its second century, there is continuity and complementation, not contrast, between Atatürk and Erdoğan.


SETA reached out to experts for their opinions on Erdoğan-Biden meeting and its repercussions on the future of bilateral relations.

From the war on terror to the Eastern Mediterranean puzzle, the president discussed a series of serious issues with his counterparts Biden and Macron at the G-20 gathering

The year 2023 has symbolic significance for the people of Turkey. The most crucial questions are where have we reached after 100 years and what the next century holds for us.

From that perspective, Erdoğan does not just 'arrest' the West. He also makes concrete proposals for building a new order. As such, Erdoğan’s vision does not chase some utopia. It is completely practical.

'Political murders': What is this all about in Turkey?

By all indications, 2022 will be a year full of intense arguments and discussions.

Political murders' What is this all about in Turkey
New alliances that crack the old

New alliances that crack the old

France, an aggressive ex-colonizer, attempts to make up for its loss of reputation and power by starting fights with Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkey is becoming more and more competitive compared to the rest of the rising powers. Indeed, the critics of the recent improvement of Turkey’s relations with Russia are looking for new alliances to undermine the old.


It seems that, as long as France plays an exploitative role in its relations with other global and regional powers, it is destined to lose its reach on a global scale and to be reduced to a mid-sized power. It does not have the capacity to play a game-changing role on the world stage. The only chance for France is the consolidation of its position within the EU and NATO alliance. Only together with the EU and NATO can France hope to play an effective role in international politics.

The United States and the European Union do not share the same views on Afghanistan. In the midst of a new crisis, Europe needs more autonomous foreign policy planning and implementation

Whether Joe Biden can put an end to the U.S. constantly losing power and influence in world politics is still a mystery

The 2021 NATO summit in Brussels saw a more positive atmosphere than the 2019 London summit. Many important issues were mentioned in the 79-item communique presented in Brussels. The coming days will show what concrete steps are taken from the long agenda that seems more like a wish list at the moment

Although the European summit’s unsatisfactory outcome was hardly surprising, both sides need to make an effort to maintain the positive atmosphere, which emerged in recent months. Brussels delivered a weak response to Ankara’s calls for “a new chapter.” The weakness of that response will add to the workload of diplomats in coming months, as they attempt to prevent fresh tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean and between Turkey and Greece.

Today, the winds of victory are blowing toward Ankara in the world of diplomacy. Many states that marginalized the country for years have seen, especially after the NATO Summit, its long-term power has accumulated

For both NATO and the U.S., Turkey happens to play an active role on a multitude of fronts – whether it’s Russia and China, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), or the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Erdoğan’s subsequent trip to Shusha, in turn, reflected the new realities of Turkish foreign policy.

Turkish and American politicians, media and the public had been waiting for the meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and U.S. President Joe Biden on June 14, on the sidelines of the NATO Leaders Summit in Brussels.

United States President Joe Biden is back in Europe with a clear message: 'America is back.' His weeklong trip will be devoted to reaching out to fellow Western leaders and discussing ways to strengthen the trans-Atlantic alliance.

Tevdîrên ewlehiyê yên nû yên birêvebiriya Macron ên bi giştî ji bo gelê Fransiz û bi taybetî ji bo misilmanan digel ku li welêt maf û azadiyan sînordar dike di civakê da jî atmosfera bêewlehiyê ya mezin derdixîne holê.

Las nuevas medidas de seguridad que la administración del presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, ha introducido recientemente afectan al pueblo francés en general y a los musulmanes del país en particular.

- Les nouvelles mesures de sécurité du gouvernement Macron, visant le peuple français en général et les musulmans en particulier, restreignent les droits et libertés dans le pays et créent un sérieux climat de méfiance dans la société.