Clash of 'visions' as Türkiye's 2023 elections loom

CHP head Kılıçdaroğlu revealed the main opposition’s development plan. Ahead of that announcement, he raised expectations by claiming that he would 'unveil a vision to end the crisis forever'

Clash of 'visions' as Türkiye's 2023 elections loom
Previous discrepancies in 'table for six' persist new one added

Previous discrepancies in 'table for six' persist, new one added

Under the circumstances, the opposition bloc has no choice but to settle all three disputes successfully.


'There is no politician in the opposition that could counterbalance that great advantage which Erdoğan enjoys'

In truth, the question at hand goes beyond that. This is about who would make crucial political decisions (and how) if the opposition bloc were to win next year’s elections.

The million-dollar question in Turkish politics is whether the opposition bloc – known as the 'table for six'– should stay together or disband.

The People’s Alliance, which already has a presidential candidate, will redouble its efforts to develop inspiring and constructive policies. By contrast, the competition among presidential hopefuls and over discourse and policy choices will mount pressure on the opposition bloc – the 'table for six.'

Erdoğan's candidacy Kılıçdaroğlu's identity

Erdoğan's candidacy, Kılıçdaroğlu's identity

To ensure that the 2023 election competition does not lead to the alienation of any religious and ethnic groups or sects, all parties, politicians and opinion leaders in Turkey must make a special effort


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has harshly criticized the Gezi Park riots in his recent public speeches, as he asked Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) chairperson, whether the main opposition leader would contest the presidential election.

Certain actors in the Turkish opposition lacking the courage to defend their past policies is another indicator of how confused the bloc is

The opposition parties in Turkey are having trouble preparing a proper strategy for their road to the upcoming elections

Whatever it does, the opposition bloc in Turkey fails to come up with a consistent mutual political agenda against what it sees as its rival

It sounds funny, but it's true. The Turkish opposition pinned their hope on the recently held elections in Hungary and was disappointed with the result

The main opposition's possible ambitious policy proposal on the Kurdish question would mean direct disunity among the opposition bloc's parties

The Turkish opposition’s waywardness alarms its mentors, who warn that the election is 'theirs to lose.'

Turkey's opposition bloc has yet to come to an agreement on a joint road map for the 2023 elections, and their chances to construct one seem to be quite low

The main opposition leader keeps making mistake after mistake, miscalculation after miscalculation

The main opposition leader is attempting to make intra-party and alliance changes. However, it seems he will need more than just that

The year 2023 has symbolic significance for the people of Turkey. The most crucial questions are where have we reached after 100 years and what the next century holds for us.

As Turkey prepares to launch a new military operation against YPG militants in northern Syria, the CHP leadership will find it difficult to explain why it opposed the authorization bill.

The main question surrounding the 2023 elections in Turkey is whether the candidates or the principles will prove more important