The Burden of Both Worlds

Turkey assumes a leadership role by promoting dialogue, common thinking, solidarity and integration among Muslims.

The Burden of Both Worlds
The New Regional Order and Turkey

The New Regional Order and Turkey

Discursive criticisms targeting Turkey since day one of the uprisings in the Middle East may be categorized under three headings: Discourses claiming that Turkey acts ideological, the discourse of “precious loneliness”, and the irrationality discourse.


Actually, despite the possible disagreements between Turkey and other actors, analysts need to find out that due to the geopolitics of Turkey, its changing foreign policy and the transformation of international system, it is senseless to revive "fear factors" as a tool to explain foreign policy.

It is quite ironic that a supposedly pro-Western opposition seeks to undermine the possibility of Turkey's critical integration into the West.

What is the role of the Security Sector in triggering the Arab-Majority Uprisings? What kinds of obstacles is Security Sector Reform facing? What steps need to be taken in order to facilitate Security Sector Reform?

Tunisia and Morocco have improved their standards of democracy and positively responded to the demands of their people throughout the Arab Spring.

Turkish, Moroccan Experts Discuss Regional Issues

Political scientists from Turkey and Morocco gathered to analyze the issues that both the region and the two countries face.

Turkish Moroccan Experts Discuss Regional Issues
ISIS Assault on Kobani Unfolds Into a New Kurdish Reality

ISIS Assault on Kobani Unfolds Into a New Kurdish Reality in the Region

The Western media sees Kobani as a symbol that will trigger an armed fight for democracy, as it did in the Arab Spring, which puts it to the fore.


The U.N. Security Council (UNSC) non-permanent member elections took place last week and the results of these elections fostered many debates and discussions.

Turkey wants regional players to establish a regional order in a peaceful and cooperative manner; it wants governments to reflect the sentiments of their citizens and end the conflicts in the region.

ErdoÄŸan's victory on Aug. 10, coupled with DavutoÄŸlu's emergence as the AK Party's new chairman, proved the opposition's attempts futile.

The main question here is whether the increasing ties between these two countries result in a significant shift in the geopolitics of the region or is it just a conjectural marriage of convenience for both countries.

The rationale behind Turkey's policies reflecting its cultural capital, in turn, relates to the country's redefinition of its national interests, which manifest themselves in the form of Turkey's strong reactions against the military junta in Egypt and Israeli oppression in Gaza.

It is becoming increasingly clear with every international crisis that the world order is moving towards a more balanced and multipolar structure in which a multiplicity of actors are holding numerous instruments of influence against each other.

Turkey showed great political leadership and pushed for accelerated integration with her Middle Eastern neighbors up until the explosion of the Syrian War and the military coup in Egypt.

What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?

Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.

Today, Israel does exactly the same thing as 2008 and 2012, as the Gaza massacres merely attest to a shallow strategy. It spills blood yet again in Ramadan 2014.