Turkish-American Partnership 2.0?

The new paradigm in relations seems to be working so far in critical issue areas, including Syria and NATO’s missile shield.

Turkish-American Partnership 2 0
Syria A litmus Test for the Region

Syria: A litmus Test for the Region

In the wake of the Arab League’s embargo against Syria, a new period is ahead for the Baathist regime.


Turkey is so involved in developments in the Middle East that it cannot be a mere spectator to what is currently taking place.

The withdrawal seemed to be an achievement of the Palestinians and a positive step towards peace by the Israelis.

INSIGHT TURKEY DEBATES   Chair:     İhsan Dağı, Insight Turkey    Speakers:    Kemal Kirişci, Boğaziçi University     Alper Dede, Zirve University      Date: June 2, 2011 Thursday  Saat: 14.00-16.00  Venue: SETA, Ankara

Despite a historical affinity between Israelis, Turks, strong interaction between people, NGOs, think-tanks was never established, that’s exactly what we need.

An America Without a Bin Laden

Bin Laden whom George W. Bush had declared would be captured "dead or alive" after the 9/11 attacks was killed by the Obama administration.

An America Without a Bin Laden
New Turkey and the Arab Spring

New Turkey and the Arab Spring?

Once Turkey considers and comes to terms with the challenge of formulating a new political language, it can rise to the level it aspires to as a new actor in a new region and in a new global order.


Public demands for structural change in North Africa and the Middle East has brought Turkey to the global stage within a new context.

Political demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt have sparked a century old discussion: Is Turkey a model for the Middle East?

Returning to Tunisia after 20 years in exile,the opposition leader Ghannouchi said Turkey provided political inspiration.

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed in Ankara that Hosni Mubarak should listen to the demands of the Egyptian people.

The “Lieberman Plan” aims at removing Israel’s “effective control” over Gaza, without compromising Israeli security or intruding upon its own sovereignty.

Turkey's soft power is on the rise in the Middle East and there is a widespread positive perception of Turkey's involvement in the region.   SETA PANEL DISCUSSION Organized by SETA &Al Sharq Centre for Regional and Strategic Studies   Chair:       Bulent Aras, SETA & Istanbul Technical University Panelists:       Mustafa Al Labbad, Al Sharq Centre for Regional and Strategic Studies     Akif Kireççi, Bilkent University Date: April 08, 2010 Thursday Time: 10.30 – 12.30 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara

26-27 MAYIS 2009, Conrad Otel, İSTANBUL

The Alliance of Civilizations initiative is one of the major attempts of our day to bring different cultures and civilizations together. Like all great ideas, it has arisen out of a need to address a problem: the problem of recognizing cultural differences without denying their existence on the one hand, and without turning them into causes of conflict and war, on the other. In a world in which all of us passionately seek a moral and political center, the need for uniting rather than dividing is obvious. Reaching that goal, however, remains a daunting task.