US's Middle East Policy behind Ankara's Axis shift

Expecting Turkey's engagement with the U.S.'s Middle East policy, which damaged Ankara's interests, particularly by the infamous partnership with the YPG, would be in vain and very irrational

US's Middle East Policy behind Ankara's Axis shift
The PKK's Post-DAESH Future

The PKK's Post-DAESH Future

The KRG referendum established that regional powers could work together when it comes to preserving the territorial integrity of others.


The YPG's position in the aftermath of the retake of Raqqa means the threat for the security of region's people is not over yet

Trump's new strategy on Iran and the nuclear deal is likely to also have a huge impact on U.S. allies in the region

The idea of "strategic partnership" - let alone what President Obama once hailed as "model partnership"- means little, if anything at all. At this point, Turks of all political backgrounds are convinced that Washington is being hostile toward their country.

Moving forward, Washington must take the time to understand Turkey's frustration and engage in qualified cooperation with Ankara in certain areas. A review of Washington's policy on FETÖ, for instance, could go a long way.

Will Turkey's Cooperation with Iran Last?

Turkey's cooperation with Iran in Iraq and Syria will likely set new developments in motion across the Middle East

Will Turkey's Cooperation with Iran Last
5 Questions The Idlib Operation

5 Questions: The Idlib Operation

Turkey has initiated the Idlib Operation in order to eliminate the possibility of the emergence of another human tragedy, and to avoid the loss of many lives.


KRG officials will try to drive a wedge between Turkey and Iran by making the case that they do not pose a threat to Iraq's neighbors

The reaction from the U.S. administration does not provide any indication of the steps that the administration may take regarding the referendum process.

The Kurdish nationalists who believe that the time is right for a referendum seem unable to keep their ambitions under control

If Turkey-U.S. relations are intended to head for a fresh start rather than a collapse, Washington must revise its Middle East policies, especially the leftovers from the Obama administration on Syria, Iraq and Iran

KRG leader Barzani might find it difficult to keep his seat whether the referendum takes place on Sept. 25 or not

Once established with the aim of becoming a beacon of peace and stability around the world, the U.N. organization is now failing to even take care of its own problems

Turkey's S-400 deal with Russia is not being considered at the level of technicality and politics in Western media but through an ideological framework.

Operation Euphrates Shield, an overdue incursion that ended in success, clearly took the Turkish military's technical capabilities to the next level and strengthened Turkey's ties with local partners

Although there is a different administration in the U.S. right now, the memory of broken promises from the Obama era, particularly about Syria, will continue to haunt Turkish-U.S. relations

Ankara's objectives, closely associated with homeland and border security issues, obligated it to take military measures

SETA Security Researcher Merve Seren commented on the anniversary of the Operation Euphrates Shield.

The tumultuous atmosphere in Hamburg reminded me of the night of July 15 in Istanbul when Turkish people were on the streets to stand up Gülenist coup plotters

The Trump administration seems to be taking some initiatives now that the deadline has passed in the Gulf crisis