The United States' weird perception of axis shift

The U.S. making axis shift in foreign policy is the root cause of frozen Ankara-Washington relations

The United States' weird perception of axis shift
Is it still worth talking to the Americans

Is it still worth talking to the Americans?

The Americans make promises behind closed doors with no intention of keeping them and continue taking steps that place Turkish interests at risk


If Washington continues to test Ankara's patience by pushing for the creation of a ‘terror corridor' and state-like entity on its doorstep, then the make-or-break time for relations might be upon us

Unfortunately, U.S. foreign policy is being shaped by narrow-minded military officers, and this is the reason behind Ankara and Washington's frozen relations

The U.S.'s continuous support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria has elicited political criticism and moral outrage in Turkey.

American foreign policy on Syria is not sustainable. When we look closely at the U.S.'s tactics and strategies, it's evident that there are many problems, paradoxes and ironies regarding policy.

PYD/PKK declares Kurdish people ‘enemy’ over criticism

Kurdish Syrian politician says PYD/PKK never allows any group which defends a different point of view

PYD PKK declares Kurdish people enemy over criticism
What is new in Turkish-US ties before Tillerson's Ankara visit

What is new in Turkish-US ties before Tillerson's Ankara visit?

The anti-Turkish lobby in the U.S. directs the Trump administration to determine its YPG policy, which is why relations between Ankara and Washington cannot stay on the right track


If anybody thought that Daesh's defeat would lead to de-escalation in Syria, they must be seriously disappointed..

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan insists on U.S. troops withdrawing from Manbij, saying that promises President Barack Obama made to Ankara must be kept. His most recent threat to seek international legal action against Washington's support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) militia in northern Syria shows that Turkey's patience is running out.

Can Acun, a foreign policy researcher at the Ankara-based Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), said the PKK/PYD/YPG terror group has a formidable media network.

The West's refusal to view the YPG as a terrorist organization and the Western media's romanticization of 'the Kurds' reflect an eagerness to stop Turkey's anti-terror operation

Many experts and observers of Turkish-U.S. relations are now asking if the current state of relations between the two countries can be fixed or if they have entered an irreversible process of falling apart.

As the number of dead YPG militants increases and Turkish-backed forces advance toward the center of Afrin, there will be a more determined effort to limit and ultimately render Operation Olive Branch unsuccessful

The killing of 17-year-old Fatma by YPG terrorists proves how right Turkey was to start the Afrin operation

It is high time for Washington to revise its short-sighted YPG policy indoctrinated by CENTCOM

The Syrian crisis was ignited by the popular protests against Bashar Assad's despotic regime in March 2011.

What are the policy divergences between Turkey and the US in Syria? What is the US policy to stabilize Syria after the demise of ISIS? How will the Afrin operation influence US-Turkey relations?

Claiming Turkey's Afrin operation harms the U.S. or NATO serve the interests only of countries like Russia and China

U.S. officials underestimating Turkey's security concerns on its Syrian border damages NATO allies Turkey and the U.S.'s bilateral relations

If Washington reconsiders its YPG policy, it will understand its irrational expectations of Ankara