Obama's 7-Year Russia Record

A new-start discourse in U.S.-Russia relations, which contributed greatly to Obama's victory in the Nov. 4 elections in 2008, is now leaving a bad memory in minds as Obama's last days in office approach.

Obama's 7-Year Russia Record
Risks of Russian Actions

Risks of Russian Actions

It is important for the Russian air force and military to recognize the way their actions are perceived and the possible outcomes of their actions.


Foes in the Ukrainian crisis, allies in the Iran Nuclear Deal and Syrian conflict: The relations between the U.S. and Russia are the greatest symbols of the paradigm-realism allowing states to look at the world with an ego

Despite the imminent danger that Central and Eastern European nations have felt since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, they do not look like they have been prepared for these moments and a potential crisis with Russia.

Is the U.N. going to fulfill its role and its premises to stop the genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, humanitarian disasters and massacres around the world? Or is it going to watch as people suffer in different parts of the world?

It is becoming increasingly clear with every international crisis that the world order is moving towards a more balanced and multipolar structure in which a multiplicity of actors are holding numerous instruments of influence against each other.

Difficult But Possible

When I asked a Ukrainian voter about what he expects from the elections given the hard situation, the response was clear and summarized everything: "difficult but possible."

Difficult But Possible
Crimea and the Crimean Tatars after Annexation by Russia

Crimea and the Crimean Tatars after Annexation by Russia

What do the Crimean Tatars mean for the region? Why did Russia take such a dramatic step as annexation, and what does Russia expect from this? Where does Turkey stand on this issue?


The domestic identity of the Russian people plays an important role in determining the role of Russia in the international system. Their dream for their future will play an important role in determining the future of Russian foreign policy.

During the course of the demonstrations in Kiev, the Central Asian regimes once again tried to avoid possible fallout from these demonstrations by censoring the news about the events.

The crisis in Ukraine is yet another serious test of U.S. leadership in terms of its international alliances, guarantees and assurances.

Western governments' indifference toward Russian advances in Syria and elsewhere helped boost Russia's self-confidence over the last three years

Turkey has been involved, historically and demographically, with many of the regions of “frozen conflict” in post-Soviet space. At this point, one might consider the position of Turkey as being at the epicenter of Euro-Atlantic and Russian extremes concerning the frozen conflicts. Georgia, since 1991, has been considered a valuable “strategic partner” by Turkey for several reasons. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan’s Caucasus Pact idea is a good opportunity to create an inclusive (Russia+Turkey+Georgia+Armenia+Azerbaijan) new foreign policy approach at this stage. This approach should be merged with the representation of all the frozen or unfrozen conflict areas, peoples, ethnic groups and regions included under the roof of such an alliance.