Trump's Moscow gamble

Nowadays it is hard to find a film analogy to describe U.S.-Russia relations. The rivalry of old days and the reset of the recent past are all over.

Trump's Moscow gamble
The future of NATO after Brussels

The future of NATO after Brussels

NATO's Brussels Summit witnessed "strong debates on defense expenditures," showing that the rupture within the alliance is growing.


The Turkish people will choose a leader who will skillfully manage the country in a rapidly changing and unpredictable global system, in which even historical allies are turning against one another

The outcome of the G-7 Quebec summit signals that the trade war between the U.S. and EU will continue for a while

Sergei Skripal worked as a double agent for Russian and British intelligence agencies and helped to uncover some of Russia's intelligence operations in Europe.

The Trump administration, which is still completing its first year, has so far not produced any result other than consolidating Moscow in the Middle East.

A New Age of Global Uncertainty

In the wake of rising geopolitical tensions among major global powers, rising far-right movements and xenophobia, economic protectionism and regional turf wars, nation-states are strongly reasserting themselves

A New Age of Global Uncertainty
Europe Heads into the Abyss of Its Fears

Europe Heads into the Abyss of Its Fears

The old continent is rapidly losing its promise to preserve human dignity, fundamental rights and liberties in the deep abyss of its exaggerated fears


The resignation of Flynn was an apparent example of the establishment's dissatisfaction with Trump's Russian policies. Yet, U.S.-Russian relations, which have a huge impact on global politics, must not be a topic in U.S. daily politics

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs

Although the incoming Trump administration's strategy in the global arena remains blurry, it is certain the world will be never the same after the inauguration ceremony

Turkey is not conducting foreign policy in a stagnant region. It has to be aware at all times of the developments and shifting balances of power.

Credit ratings might be an essentially political act but Turkey's economic fundamentals and political capacity are robust enough to withstand such pressures.

The new format of deeper and comprehensive Turkish-Russian cooperation after Aug. 9 will include added military and geostrategic elements

Normalization in Turkish foreign policy to proceed despite terrorist attacks

The Russian government started to follow policies that resulted in significant problems and challenges for the Western world and international community in different regions. With the rapid changes in the Middle East following the beginning of the Arab Spring, Russia's foreign policy started to demonstrate signs of a return to its default setting.

No longer can the PYD militants shake hands with Bashar Assad and continue their on-off relationship with DAESH to expand their territory. Moving forward, the group will play defense and try to keep what they have.

In recent years to figure out what Russia really wants has become the most enigmatic question in international politics to figure out what Russia really wants.

Turkey was extremely disturbed by the rough geopolitical game Putin was playing next to its borders with substantial potential consequences on its national security and the aggravation of refugee flows.

The ups and downs in relations between the U.S. and Russia has resulted in the countries finding themselves on different sides of the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, and in each of these crises Russia has continued to test the U.S.'s commitments.

The Russian actions in Syria took place in a period of the transformation of the international system. It is a period of post-unipolarism in which the U.S. no longer sufficient power to shape the politics and economy of the entire world.