How to manage transformation in Turkey-West relations

Turkey's balanced approach to the Ukraine crisis amid normalization with its partners can contribute to the strategic transformation in its ties with the West

How to manage transformation in Turkey-West relations
Search for cease-fire and Putin's hard equation

Search for cease-fire and Putin's hard equation

One way or the other, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its regional and global dimensions are likely to have long-lasting consequences


As a provider of security and stability, Turkey has the potential to become the balancing power in the Gulf region

The world has been going through a transitory period, which has made the political and economic global system quite unstable. As a result, the behavior of regional and global powers has become mostly unpredictable

As a country where Russian, American, Chinese and other foreign companies have invested, Kazakhstan cannot address problems by isolating itself or overhauling its multidimensional foreign policy.

By all indications, 2022 will be a year full of intense arguments and discussions.

France is no longer a global power

It seems that, as long as France plays an exploitative role in its relations with other global and regional powers, it is destined to lose its reach on a global scale and to be reduced to a mid-sized power. It does not have the capacity to play a game-changing role on the world stage. The only chance for France is the consolidation of its position within the EU and NATO alliance. Only together with the EU and NATO can France hope to play an effective role in international politics.

France is no longer a global power
Global leadership crisis The U S hegemony vs China

Global leadership crisis: The U.S. hegemony vs. China

The U.S. is no longer on the throne as the world's sole superpower. Although the country tried to take measures against the strong rise of China, even U.S. allies have begun to establish close ties with China


Erdoğan’s call for justice is addressed to all of humanity. His emphasis on values in this chaotic universe of vested interests attests to that fact.

We are living in an age of crisis, with the world's economic and political system more complicated than ever due to the unfair actions of the U.N. and U.S.

This summer issue of Insight Turkey aims to highlight the recent developments and challenges in the Middle East, specifically on Palesitinian-Israeli impasse, Iranian elections, and Turkey’s foreign policy and increasing influence in the region, with a rich frame including three commentaries and six research articles.

Afghanistan turned out to be an area of cooperation between Ankara and Washington, as U.S. policymakers began to describe Turkey as 'an invaluable partner in the region' – instead of 'our so-called ally.'

Washington handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban, demonstrating that the 'great power competition' was the name of the game. Likewise, it became clear that Trump was not the only supporter of 'putting American interests first.'

The 9/11 terrorist attacks were one of the turning points in the history of international relations. The legacy of the attacks has dominated the international system for almost two decades and triggered events and transformations that may have more long-term ramifications.

The U.S. invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban regime, but left the country to a much stronger Taliban. After 20 years of occupation, this withdrawal has brought about many regional consequences for the U.S.

Turkey is evacuating Afghanistan cautiously optimistic about the Taliban's next steps and ready to engage with the country on another level

America has reached the peak of its loss of power and authority, a decline that started on Sep. 11, 2001, and that has culminated in the Taliban's recent takeover of Afghanistan. After this process, it is now a question of how the balance of power in the world will shift

With the U.S. withdrawal, the West abandoned pro-democracy groups for the second time, thus contributing to the emergence of a geopolitical environment that radicals could easily exploit

After the Taliban took over Afghanistan, many question marks about the future of the country remain. Will Afghanistan choose to cooperate with anti-American countries or will it continue to incorporate radical groups at the expense of its relations?

While the unexpected pragmatist approach of the Taliban surprised everyone, no one is able to predict how they will realize their second reign

Tras establecer relaciones diplomáticas con casi todos los países de África, Turquía ha invertido cerca de 10 mil millones de dólares en todo el continente.