2017: A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism

Unless we come up with a comprehensive plan to fight and defeat terrorism in the region, European capitals will continue to fear the next terror attack

2017 A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism
Turkey's Secularists and Conservatives Are Both Happy

Turkey's Secularists and Conservatives Are Both Happy

'The way of lifestyle is under threat in Turkey' is a discourse produced by some hidden agendas with the aim of creating chaos in Turkish society but nothing more


It was no secret that the Obama administration has long maintained the strategy of pursuing controlled confrontation with Vladimir Putin's Russia via micro-conflicts in multiple confrontation zones such as the Asia-Pacific, Ukraine and Syria

Turkey will continue to be in Syria no matter what until Daesh terrorists are completely eliminated from the towns

Trump will not simply bring forward the pragmatic framework of the U.S.'s grand strategy which was suppressed during the Obama period, but attempt to fully renew the ideological framework as well

Turkey is not trying to change teams. It is only seeking a healthy balance between Russia and the U.S.

The Assassination of the Russian Ambassador and Its Meaning: Why Was Turkey Targeted?

The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey cannot be discussed without taking the national, regional and global developments and conjuncture into consideration

The Assassination of the Russian Ambassador and Its Meaning Why
Geoeconomics and Geopolitics

Geoeconomics and Geopolitics

The Trump administration's decisions over economic statecraft and geoeconomics will be determinative for the future of U.S. foreign policy


Turkish Special Forces took up the challenge and showed the world that they represent the most effective ground force that could fight Daesh in the battlefield

How many victims of the terrorist attacks in Turkey or other countries would be enough to push the international community to say 'stop' the deadly terror groups and fight on the ground against them?

The same people who hailed the PKK as a merry band of revolutionaries might soon have to face the fact that they were in bed with terrorists all along.

What was the purpose of the assassination? What can be said about the perpetrator? What might the consequences be? How should reactions to the assassination be regarded? How might the assassination reflect on the Syria crisis?

In order to become a central country in energy trade, it is first necessary for Turkey to reduce natural gas import dependence on a handful of countries. With LNG trading, Turkey will be able to achieve this independence.

Turkey is not conducting foreign policy in a stagnant region. It has to be aware at all times of the developments and shifting balances of power.

An "expert on Turkey" claims that Turkey will be divided because Erdoğan has consolidated his control. Really! This is not a joke.

Public diplomacy and a communication strategy are critical pillars of any successful peace process. In many instances, traumas and memories of the conflict overshadow hopes for peace and reconciliation. The Colombian and Turkish peace initiatives mark some of the complexities of peace processes.

Deep prejudice and the absence of objectivity exhibited by the Western media against Turkey are major problems; but Turkey should never give up in the attempt to remind prejudiced media managers of the fundamental principles of journalism and the simple facts and rules of democracy.

The transnational networks of FETO may eventually become a Messianic elite diaspora network that may not only threaten Turkey’s interests but also manipulate the politics of the host countries.

The negative effects of the failed coup attempt have remained limited due to Turkey’s strong macroeconomic indicators, strong public finance, sustainable current account deficit, private sector efforts and comforting statements of policymakers and economists.

It is meaningless to condemn the coup attempt without taking action against the leading putschist. A decisive step by the US government to change the negative perception held by the Turkish public would be the extradition of Gülen to Turkey.

Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.