One Year On: Economic Resistance to July 15

Military interventions that interrupt the normal functioning of democratic regimes and utilize brutal military force to suppress legitimate political authorities and their support base open deep wounds in social fabrics.

One Year On Economic Resistance to July 15
What Happens If Westerners Don't Understand the Sociology of July

What Happens If Westerners Don't Understand the Sociology of July 15?

Unless Western states fail to correctly understand the sociology of the July 15 coup attempt, Turkey will be a 'lost partner' for them and vice-versa


The book presents different perspectives focusing on political, economic, sociological and psychological aspects of the factors leading up to, the events during and aftermath of this historic date.

Erdoğan keeps a tab on the EU's unfulfilled promises and talks about Europe's unreliability in the public. That's why, the image of him the EU leaders have is he is as an authoritarian Turk

The attempt to politically ostracise the tiny emirate is more likely to isolate Riyadh than to bring Qatar to its knees.

Turkey Learned Much from the Arab Spring

Turkey learned much from the Arab Spring process, and especially the Syrian civil war. This learning period was directly reflected in Erdoğan's policies.

Turkey Learned Much from the Arab Spring
Can Trump Contain Iran

Can Trump Contain Iran?

It is true that the Iran expansionism is one of the great threats that must be stopped. However, Trump's current policy on Iran could only cause more chaos and terror in the Middle East


With the consolidation of the presidential system, international observers might brace themselves for a fast-thinking, fast-acting Turkey

The two emerging powers, Turkey and India, will take concrete steps to improve their economic and political coperation in the meetings

Debate over the government system has occupied Turkey’s political and constitutional agenda for many years. Yet the discussions that have taken place have not, until very recently, progressed beyond the level of popular discourse.

The analysis will examine the outstanding features of the constitutional design in pursuit of executive presidency in addition to the historical background of the transformation.

This is the second edition of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR) which was presented for the first time in 2015.

The problem is that Germany has unfortunately become Europe's lobbying center for enmity toward Turkey, and this lobby is located right where Germany's policy on Turkey is set

Despite declaring himself on many occasions as the best anti-Obama figure, Trump unfortunately seems to maintain the brutal drone policies that were aimed at killing innocent people and adopted by Obama during his term in office

Erdoğan's principal messages to African leaders focus on establishing long-term social and economic partnerships on the basis of mutual respect and common benefits through capacity building, entrepreneurship and human development

Despite support from several countries, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is under pressure from within. Increasing security concerns, terror attacks in the Sinai, economic issues and foreign policy problems threaten the future of his regime.

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs

The diversity of the cyberattacks demonstrated to the incoming Trump administration that it must try to stop any possible attacks, while improving its ability to be pro-active and retaliate

The next U.S. administration is more willing to work with Russia and work on eliminating Daesh threats. However, there is still some ambiguity about the extent of cooperation and whether there will be any joint effort to resolve the crisis in Syria

In a historic visit by the Turkish PM to Iraq, the two governments emphasized mutual respect for one another's territorial integrity and national sovereignty, cooperation to fight against terror and non-state actors. This rapprochement between Turkey and Iraq will consolidate the Iraqi return to a national and independent foreign policy