The evangelical burden and the destructiveness of threats

Last week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan traveled to South Africa to attend the 2018 BRICS summit along with a group of journalists, including myself.

The evangelical burden and the destructiveness of threats
Trump's Russia dilemma

Trump's Russia dilemma

Almost every U.S. president has promised, wished or dreamed of revising and recalibrating Washington's relations with Moscow; however, after entering office and attempting to change the trajectory of the bilateral ties, they quickly discover that the task is easier said than done.


The Helsinki summit between presidents Trump and Putin reaffirmed that Russia, not the United States, is the top dog in Syria

The Helsinki summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did not yield any tangible outcomes, but can be described as a good start to discussing several bilateral and regional problems

Coup attempt was a lesson for Turkey and no group will be able to repeat it, says vice-chair of Turkey's ruling party

Nowadays it is hard to find a film analogy to describe U.S.-Russia relations. The rivalry of old days and the reset of the recent past are all over.

The foundational role of July 15

Turkey marked the second anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt on Sunday, during which the Turkish nation's glorious victory against the coup plotters was celebrated.

The foundational role of July 15
Anatomy of the July 15 coup attempt two years later

Anatomy of the July 15 coup attempt two years later

Two years have passed since the attempted coup of July 15, which was a serious attack on Turkey's state, society and democracy.


The Turkish people chose Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the first president of the new presidential system in their country on June 24, making him win his 13th race for elections since 2002.

Turkey's democratic credentials received another great boost this week with the successful completion of the historic general and presidential elections under universal free and fair procedural standards.

Turkey and the United States started implementing the Manbij road map, a framework created by Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on June 4. On June 12-13, senior military officials from both countries held talks in Stuttgart, Germany, and worked out the details, including the establishment of monitoring posts and patrol routes in Manbij.

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim lauds Erdogan for showing courage on key issues

The CHP and HDP are trying to hand in hand to prevent the Turkish government from increasing its fight against the PKK and FETÖ terrorist groups

This book is the result of a research project organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, SETA) born out of the need to understand the context-specific dynamics of the violent radicalization of the PKK and its urban strategy between 2015 and 2016. The aim is to explore the causes, new dynamics, and effects of PKK terrorism, and to explain the failure of its urban warfare tactics in Turkey.

Following meetings between top diplomats from Turkey and the U.S. in Washington last week, there is cautious optimism for a "road map" for the future of Manbij and U.S.-Turkish relations.

Major challenges require unconventional responses, and Turkey is preparing to produce an unconventional and comprehensive systemic response to the major and multifaceted challenges it faces in various areas

This paper focuses on the bilateral extradition treaty as well as the national and international law to analyze the extradition process. First, it presents the background information and the role of the perpetrator on the coup attempt on 15 July 2016 based on the prosecution’s case in Turkey.

What was the strategic importance of Manbij for the United States, the PKK/PYD, and Turkey? What topics will be covered by the roadmap in Manbij? How sincere is the U.S. with Turkey about its PKK/PYD policy? Will U.S. military activity in Sinjar Mountain jeopardize Manbij Agreement?

Turkey is going through an intense and multifaceted campaign period ahead of the June 24 elections. Until now, the various campaigns haven't focused on a single issue.

Turkey's determination on the Jerusalem issue outdistances the Arab countries that no longer see Palestine as a priority