Is the perception of PKK changing in Turkey?

After realizing that joining the anti-Erdoğan bloc with opposition parties would legitimize its presence, the PKK, by doing so, created itself a very large and comfortable zone to easily terrorize

Is the perception of PKK changing in Turkey
AK Party Challenges Kurdish Nationalists

AK Party Challenges Kurdish Nationalists

While being politically restricted by the PKK's ending the cease-fire to cancel the reconciliation process, the HDP, again because of the terrorist organization, is losing those who voted for them in hopes of peace.


The Kurdish electorate is naturally confused about the sincerity of the HDP, which missed a huge opportunity to become a key partner in the reconciliation process by trying to legitimize the terrorist attacks by the PKK.

It seems that there is a desire to see Turkey caught in the snare of two terror groups.

The apparent reason as to why environmentalism in Turkey has not been able to substantially influence either politics or public opinion despite growing numbers of environmentalist organizations and general awareness is the political language of their discourse

There will be no major impact on the relations between Turkey and Europe because Turkey will still be a democratic country with a democratically elected leader.

The Illegal Structure Muddied the Political Arena

Referring to the declared-illegal Gülen organization, SETA-İstanbul General Coordinator Fahrettin Altun asserts that the Illegal Structure muddies the political arena by manipulations.

The Illegal Structure Muddied the Political Arena
The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation

The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other


The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.