The Gulf's ‘Fear of Iran'

Reduced to a sectarian conflict by many, the “danger of Iran” must be evaluated as a security issue affecting both political and physical assets of the Gulf countries.

The Gulf's Fear of Iran'
Time for Growth-Oriented Reform

Time for Growth-Oriented Reform

Given Turkey's desire to be seen as an emerging power in the global political economic system there is an urgent need to revamp the governance network in a way that gives a greater priority to growth and development dynamics without jeopardizing financial/macroeconomic stability.


The main theme of the meeting related to Turkey's need to design a unique type of presidential system in light of its own democratic progress.

It is not a secret that the year 2014 did not see the best period in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.

So, while market-based explanations try to present historical dynamics and highlight various aspects of a complicated development, conspiracy theories offer clear simplicity and elegance.

PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West, or Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, in German) finds a cover for rightist extremist racism in Germany and reaches out to masses through this cover.

Q&A: Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and War

In the shadow of on-going discussions about the integration and legal status of Syrians living in Turkey, Yavuz Güçtürk, a researcher at SETA’s Law and Human Rights Department, made an assessment on the current position of Syrian refugees who have preferred forced displacement over war.

Q amp amp A Syrian Refugees Caught Between Asylum and
2015 and the Unending Criticism of Islamism

2015 and the Unending Criticism of Islamism

Simply being anti-Recep Tayyip Erdoğan cannot account for the toxic blend of anger and disempowerment that those who expect so-called social explosions, such as the Gezi Park protests, in the new year.


The business elite in TÜSİAD circles never saw the AK Party governments as a natural partner with whom they could forge a long-term and strategic developmental alliance.

If anyone actually thought that the Arab revolts, the most recent wave of change in the Middle East, would allow Iran and Israel to put pressure on the region, though, time has proved them wrong.

It is imperative to rethink how to frame security around the question of Israel-Palestine within policy-making circles.

The AK Party's opponents at home (i.e. leftists, secularists, Gülenists and Kurdish radicals) made notable efforts to help Turkey's image at the international level worsen.

Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Turkey will mark an important turning point in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.

What are the sources of recent unrest in East Jerusalem? What does Israel want to achieve? How is this received by Palestinians? What is a proper course of action by the international community?

It is quite ironic that a supposedly pro-Western opposition seeks to undermine the possibility of Turkey's critical integration into the West.

Turkey will enjoy the opportunity to bring its own policy priorities as well as the priorities of developing countries across those areas to the attention of the leaderships of 20 major world economies.

Israel has emerged unchallenged despite the level of its impunity this year. This evasion speaks to the international pattern where state officials' voice outrage against its impunity but do not follow up with concrete sanctions.

Turkey's revamped structural transformation program has finally been unveiled. This constitutes a historic milestone as the document signifies a change in the path of the development narrative followed over the course of the last decade.

The election results indicate that various parties will seek to push the Ennahda Movement out of the government.

The coming months will provide ample opportunity to examine and learn how competing political parties are planning to tackle the seemingly challenging task of higher education reform in Turkey.