End of the Proxy War?

Having silently stood by in the face of the Assad regime’s numerous atrocities over the past two years, all global actors reacted to Assad’s use of chemical weapons against the civilian population. In this sense, none but Assad himself will be responsible for a possible foreign intervention.

End of the Proxy War
EU Must React Stronger As Egypt Becomes a Police State

EU Must React Stronger As Egypt Becomes a Police State

Sustaining normal relations with Egypt would not be only morally unacceptable, it also has the potential to generate significant costs to the EU, in terms of its intermediate and long term interests in the region.


The West still does not trust the political actors holding Islamic traditions in the Middle East, and it does not know how to interact with them effectively.

SETA presents the analyses of SETA experts on Syria in order to better understand Syrian civil war which cost more than 100 thousand lives, injured more than 2 million people and displaced many others.

It is only through solution-oriented and new constitution-focused policies that the parties can carry out negotiations on the new constitution.

Why do the protestors, a significant majority of whom voted for the CHP, feel under represented? Why should the CHP constituency feel less represented than before?

The Felool and Liberalism

May our new post-modern political trend be blessed for us all! The Felool-liberalism is the new liberalization/salvation recipe of the status quo.

The Felool and Liberalism
5 Questions Croatia's EU Membership

5 Questions: Croatia's EU Membership

Croatia has officially become the 28th member state of the European Union on 1 July, 2013. Croatia’s membership to the European Union will probably pave the way for numerous political and economic developments and changes in the Balkans.


In its capacity as a wake-up call for all, the demonstrations will go down in Turkey’s political history as a constructive, democratic statement if all parties work together to establish common ground for dialogue and progress.

What Russia understands from a political solution is the Kadirov model and what Iran understands from the political solution is a scenario of “forever-negotiation-nihilism” as it is the case in its nuclear program. Is either to propose a realistic political solution to the Syrian crisis?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paying a visit to the United States attended a conference, “Global Order and Justice in the 21st Century” organized by SETA in Washington D.C.

Extrication of the Turkish-Israeli relationship from the US-Turkey relationship represented a structural change.

Some Western nations, including the United States, are likely to be irked by a Turkey that intensifies its Somalia policy and takes other steps with the aim of restoring area balances, but that is the only way in which Turkey could contribute to bringing durable peace.

Perhaps from now on, Tunisia should adopt an approach prioritizing social dynamics without pushing the new constitution process aside.

Legislation and judiciary in Turkey have served to safeguard interests of the state rather than protecting rights and freedoms of citizens.

During a period of crisis and uncertainty in the global markets, Turkey enjoyed both a balanced budget and a healthy environment for investment.

The transformation of peaceful protesters into armed revolutionaries was triggered not by choice, but by necessity and obligation.

High-ranking officers who were killed in the blast in Syria also took away the regime’s immunity, the mutual trust of those in the regime’s inner circle and the loyalty of the army.

Turkish foreign policy has entered a new phase, and it is highly possible that this phase will prove to be a breaking point.