Turkey In the Global Pecking Order

The general elections on Nov. 1 come at a critical juncture in which Turkey's position in the global pecking order as the rotating president of the G20 would be put to a stringent test. A re-injection of political stability might alleviate many systemic risks and turn around gloomy expectations concerning the country's prospects.

Turkey In the Global Pecking Order
Russia's Growing Involvement in the Middle East

Russia's Growing Involvement in the Middle East

Mr. Putin is planning to showcase his military's power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.


The integrative modernization understanding of the AK Party comprising different races, cultures and social structures, unlike the opposition parties, makes the party the main actor in Turkish politics.

The shocking aspect of the wave of terrorist violence that struck Turkey this week was that it originated from the radical-Islamist ISIS and secular-Kurdish nationalist PKK at the same time.

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other

Saving the Day and Repeating the Same Mistakes in Egypt

Last week the U.S. lifted its arms embargo on Egypt that was imposed after the military coup. After changing its tone regarding Assad in Syria, the U.S. is again sacrificing possible peace in the region in exchange for short term gains and interests

Saving the Day and Repeating the Same Mistakes in Egypt
Reasons Behind Syria's Escalating Crisis

Reasons Behind Syria's Escalating Crisis

The Syrian crisis has created a new cold war environment that calls on countries to take sides. This new environment has given rise to a state of "inaction" which has worked well for the Assad regime.


Nobody can justify terror but the root cause is a reflection of a western-centric discourse and is extremely worrying. Defending freedom, human rights, and dignity of people requires sincerity and it cannot be hidden under the guise of political projects.

Many people are expecting an explanation from Secretary Kerry in regards to his statements about Syria.

So, while market-based explanations try to present historical dynamics and highlight various aspects of a complicated development, conspiracy theories offer clear simplicity and elegance.

In the shadow of on-going discussions about the integration and legal status of Syrians living in Turkey, Yavuz Güçtürk, a researcher at SETA’s Law and Human Rights Department, made an assessment on the current position of Syrian refugees who have preferred forced displacement over war.

Simply being anti-Recep Tayyip Erdoğan cannot account for the toxic blend of anger and disempowerment that those who expect so-called social explosions, such as the Gezi Park protests, in the new year.

The primary source of the Uighur refugee problem is the situation in China and without some significant steps in line with the demands of society, this problem will continue to grow in the coming years.

What is the role of the Security Sector in triggering the Arab-Majority Uprisings? What kinds of obstacles is Security Sector Reform facing? What steps need to be taken in order to facilitate Security Sector Reform?

Tunisia and Morocco have improved their standards of democracy and positively responded to the demands of their people throughout the Arab Spring.