Post-election Economic Scenarios

It is very likely that in the political history of Turkish democracy, the June 7, 2015, general elections will be described as a watershed that produced a more fragmented, finely balanced and patchwork framework following a decade of uninterrupted single party governments.

Post-election Economic Scenarios
Election panorama from Moscow

Election panorama from Moscow

A new push in Turkey's democratization and development drive will await us on June 8 so that the accumulated legacy of the last decade is not wasted.


Referring to the declared-illegal Gülen organization, SETA-İstanbul General Coordinator Fahrettin Altun asserts that the Illegal Structure muddies the political arena by manipulations.

The heated debate surrounding the monetary policy choices of the central bank and rapidly falling value of the lira vis-a-vis the dollar in recent weeks triggered a search for a new and production-oriented economic governance paradigm in Turkey.

As for now, the Turkish Central Bank stands loyal to its neoliberal legal framework and continues to aim for inflation control at the expense of other macroeconomic goals.

“The choice of a far right partner for the coalition gave a signal that Syriza is not interested in compromise,” Dr. Griogriadis said.

The Economic Policies of Syriza and AK Party

Syriza is a loose coalition of numerous radical leftist movements whereas the AK Party has been a strong and unified political movement constructed around Erdoğan's leadership.

The Economic Policies of Syriza and AK Party
Oil Price Plunge Conspiracy or Market Failure

Oil Price Plunge: Conspiracy or Market Failure

So, while market-based explanations try to present historical dynamics and highlight various aspects of a complicated development, conspiracy theories offer clear simplicity and elegance.


The Paris attack seems like a strategic strike aimed to sharpen the existing polarization both in France and Europe in general.

In a world where boundaries are so transparent and economic and social lives are so closely connected we have many reasons to be pessimistic regarding how epidemic outbreaks can be prevented.

The coming months will provide ample opportunity to examine and learn how competing political parties are planning to tackle the seemingly challenging task of higher education reform in Turkey.

This study is an attempt to analyze these energy relations which have come into play as a new parameter in the relations between Ankara and Erbil.

Erdogan’s presidential victory highlights that despite Turkey’s polarisation over the Kemalist era's legacy – the vast majority see him as the best route towards a modern, prosperous society.

The Gülenist parallel state began to operate with help from affiliated members of law enforcement, public prosecutors and judges, the covert organization gained access to all levels of government.

The US president’s appeasement of Israel would shame his former dining partners, whose own stories capture America’s problematic relationship with the Middle East.

As a government-sponsored bill rekindles the Kurdish peace process, religious Muslims and the Kurdish political movement join forces to challenge Turkey’s old ways and usher in a new period in the nation’s history.

This analysis will outline political aspects of the current negotiations in Cyprus, examine the positions of the actors directly or indirectly involved in the issue, and assess the present and the future of the resolution process.

Now, after a decade of challenging tests, the performance of the bloc is being widely questioned. Has the BRIC hypothesis proved to be true?

No need to say that this will create a substantial additional bill for energy-dependent countries like Turkey, and multi-pronged strategies shall be prepared beforehand to ensure energy security.

The mine explosion in Soma which claimed 301 lives gave new life to an old debate about Turkish society's capacity for solidarity.