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US-Turkey Relations under The AK Party

US-Turkey Relations under The AK Party

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This almanac provides the synopsis of bilateral relations between the US and Turkey during the past fifteen years of AK Party rule in Turkey, starting with the March 1st crisis. During this period, AK Party governments have engaged with different US administrations headed by the presidents from different political parties (Bush, Obama and Trump) and different party majorities in the US Congress. The relationship has both undergone very serious crises and witnessed significant level of cooperation. In this almanac, the major summits and main crises that impacted the relations between the two nations are covered. It is of course impossible to cover all of the events and developments in bilateral relations, thus we aimed to be selective while still including the most important moments of the relationship in our coverage in the limited space that we have. We hope this volume can help observers and scholars in the field of US-Turkey relations and contribute to their research.
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