Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade
The ongoing crisis in the Middle East once again confirms that Türkiye is the safest and most reliable route for East-West trade. However, how could Türkiye further utilize its geo-economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and geocultural location in global trade competition and in the new era of rising trade corridor wars? Why is there an argument that there can be no corridor without Türkiye? And why must Türkiye be included in all relevant new trade routes and economic corridors?
The ongoing crisis in the Middle East once again confirms that Türkiye is the safest and most reliable route for East-West trade. However, how could Türkiye further utilize its geo-economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and geocultural location in global trade competition and in the new era of rising trade corridor wars? Why is there an argument that there can be no corridor without Türkiye? And why must Türkiye be included in all relevant new trade routes and economic corridors?
As a country positioned at global trade crossroads, Türkiye both strategically and logistically should be part of all trade equations between East and West. This is both for Türkiye’s own benefit and for the longer-term success of such projects. Türkiye’s involvement in these projects may also create significant positive regional and global externalities. Improving relations with the Gulf could, for instance, foster a solution for energy and trade equations in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Türkiye has greatly strengthened its privileged position thanks to remarkable infrastructure investments in the last 20 years. Türkiye’s infrastructure is well prepared as huge investment projects, from bridges and highways to seaports and airports, new high-speed train lines and other large-scale projects such as the Marmaray, are already completed.
Global power balances are also shifting: together with global integration and cooperation, global and regional competition is also a fact. Multipolarity is the new contemporary reality, and Ankara is strengthening its position in this new era of global economic competition, aiming to preserve its strategic autonomy. Meanwhile, as part of this geostrategic competition, numerous new trade routes or economic corridors are under discussion, and have given rise to economic and political debates....
Read more on Politics Today: Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade
[Politics Today, November 1, 2023]
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