Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade

The ongoing crisis in the Middle East once again confirms that Türkiye is the safest and most reliable route for East-West trade. However, how could Türkiye further utilize its geo-economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and geocultural location in global trade competition and in the new era of rising trade corridor wars? Why is there an argument that there can be no corridor without Türkiye? And why must Türkiye be included in all relevant new trade routes and economic corridors?

Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade
Between pragmatic globalization and trade wars

Between pragmatic globalization and trade wars

While hegemonic transitions tend to occur over long periods, it seems that the friction between neo-protectionism in strategic sectors and the push for all out liberalization will determine the fundamental axis of the ongoing rivalry between China and the U.S.


Changing patterns or direction in Turkey’s exports and imports could serve as a well-qualified parameter in order to assess the so-called shift in the country’s orientation.