Türkiye-Egypt normalization: Historic milestone in bilateral ties

Türkiye and Egypt stand at a pivotal historical moment in the evolution of their bilateral relations. Following 12 years marked by rivalry and conflict, the visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Egypt has the potential to open a new chapter in Ankara-Cairo relations. This visit offers both nations the opportunity to forge a novel model of cooperative relations on numerous contentious issues. More importantly, it could herald the onset of strategic cooperation in the realms of defense and security, areas in which such collaboration was previously nonexistent. Before the joint news conference in Cairo, the two leaders signed the Joint Statement on the Restructuring of High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council Meetings, signifying both countries’ readiness to recalibrate their relations.

Türkiye-Egypt normalization Historic milestone in bilateral ties
Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade

Türkiye is the Safest Route for East-West Trade

The ongoing crisis in the Middle East once again confirms that Türkiye is the safest and most reliable route for East-West trade. However, how could Türkiye further utilize its geo-economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, and geocultural location in global trade competition and in the new era of rising trade corridor wars? Why is there an argument that there can be no corridor without Türkiye? And why must Türkiye be included in all relevant new trade routes and economic corridors?


The further escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war can only be prevented if warring sides take bolder steps for negotations

We hope that this issue presents and provides the verity to its readers through an extensive and rich framing covering important events and developments related to climate change and migration.

With its new diplomatic engagements, Turkey will create further windows of opportunities to restore its foreign policy

This issue of Insight Turkey, through off-topic pieces, covers very significant issues related to the changes in the international system, Karabakh War, Gulf rivalry, and developments in the Balkans.

Logic of Turkey’s diplomatic activism

In the post-pandemic order, Ankara seeks to explore new opportunities and find ways to reduce regional tensions

Logic of Turkey s diplomatic activism
Contingent nature of Turkey's ties with US and Russia

Contingent nature of Turkey's ties with US and Russia

The main issue on the table during the Erdoğan-Putin summit was the increased regime and Russian attacks on Idlib and Afrin. These attacks were jeopardizing the terms of the deal that was reached in 2018. Both leaders confirmed their willingness to maintain the existing status quo in Syria and work together to restore security and stability in the war-torn country. Both Moscow and Ankara are more pressured than ever to find a political solution in Syria due to the enduring costs and potential security risks of the Syrian civil war.


Tunisia's young and fragile democracy was shaken by this populist coup. What happens next boils down to defending oneself and democracy through peaceful means

Tunisian President Kais Saied's dismissal of the country's prime minister was interpreted as a coup. The only way this process will not progress is if Saied gives constitutional power to the parliament

For both NATO and the U.S., Turkey happens to play an active role on a multitude of fronts – whether it’s Russia and China, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), or the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Turkey and Egypt took a new step toward normalization, as a Turkish delegation, led by Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Önal, visited Cairo following contact between intelligence chiefs and foreign ministers.

Washington's gradual disengagement strategy from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has taken a new shape as news continues to arrive from Vienna on the renewed talks related to Iran's nuclear file.

Some influential figures in Washington and Brussels are continuing to advise authorities on both sides of the Atlantic to sideline, or even contain Turkey in the defense architecture of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the Black Sea region and southeastern Europe.

If they were more supportive, Washington and Brussels could help Ankara and Athens improve their bilateral initiatives

President-elect Biden's repetition of Obama's wrongdoings in foreign policy in the Middle East could further tarnish the U.S.' international image

Various geopolitical issues, in which Turkey has taken active steps in recent years, are quickly developing and on two key fronts, the conflict has given way to reconciliation.

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is going through a major structural transformation in the last decade. This transformation is closely related to the transformation of power balance in the global scene.

With the U.S. warning of its withdrawal from the Middle East, the new balance of power in the world has begun to be established. The rapprochement between authoritarian Arab regimes and Europe alongside Saudi Arabia's search for convergence with Asian powers are just the consequences of it

Turkish-American relations have been in a situation of permanent crises for the last five years..

The U.S.'s continuous support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria has elicited political criticism and moral outrage in Turkey.