Will Türkiye Broaden Its Air Strikes in Northern Iraq Following the Terrorist Attack in Ankara?

Bilgehan Ozturk says cross-border strikes were already planned but the timing of operations are key for the national interests of Türkiye.

Will Türkiye Broaden Its Air Strikes in Northern Iraq Following
The Importance of NATO Summit and Türkiye s Relations with

The Importance of NATO Summit and Türkiye’s Relations with the West

The Assistant Editor of Insight Turkey and Researcher of SETA Foundation, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir attended virtually to Andy Boyns’s news program in A News, to clear the questionmarks about the latest NATO Summit and the trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden.


The Assistant Editor of Insight Turkey and Researcher of SETA Foundation, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, attended Strait Talk program which appears in the TRT World screen, to talk about the Pentagon Report’s statement on United States 7 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment left in Afghanistan last year.

SETA’s energy researcher, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, gave an interview for A News regarding the latest development in the Eastern Mediterranean.

SETA’s energy researcher, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, gave an interview for A News regarding the Akkuyu Project and Turkey-Russia cooperation in the energy field.

TurkStream remains one of the main projects for Turkey, the LNG trade with the US is expected to continue under Biden Administration.

Turkish Military Destroys Dozens of PKK Terrorist Targets

SETA Security Researcher Bilgehan Ozturk, discusses Turkish military successfully completing Operation Claw-Eagle in northern Iraq by destroying dozens of PKK terrorists’ targets.

Turkish Military Destroys Dozens of PKK Terrorist Targets
Recent Developments and Turkey s Position in Libya

Recent Developments and Turkey’s Position in Libya

SETA Security Researcher Bilgehan Öztürk commented on the recent developments and Turkey's position in Libya on Al Jazeera.


SETA Security Researcher Bilgehan Öztürk commented on the fall of Maarrat al-Numan to Syrian regime forces on TRT World.

Bilgehan Ozturk, Researcher at the SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research, on Syrian regime forces entering the rebel stronghold of Maaret al-Numan in Idlib.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Donald Trump meet in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, November 13. Kadir Ustun, Executive Director at SETA Foundation DC, discusses Erdogan-Trump summit, what President Erdogan has achieved in this visit.

The Director of European Studies at SETA Foundation, Enes Bayraklı commented on the crises that Europe is facing lately and the yellow vest protest in France which are directly related to these crises.