Turkish opposition's 2023 calculations

Opposition leaders Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu of the Republican People's Party (CHP) and Meral Akşener of the Good Party (IP) continue to call for an early election, whenever they feel like it.

Turkish opposition's 2023 calculations
Why fingers point at West when Israel kills civilians

Why fingers point at West when Israel kills civilians

Israel has been keeping millions of Palestinians under prison camp conditions for years and depriving them of their basic rights for the last 15 years. Whenever Palestinian people try to resist Israel's inhumane policies and atrocities, they are severely punished by the Israeli government and condemned by the Western governments.


Israel continued bombing Gaza on the second day of Ramadan Bayram, also known as Eid al-Fitr. At least 197 Palestinians have been killed in the attacks according to the latest tally. Unfortunately, that number may be even higher by the time you read this article. There is just one important question on everyone's minds: “Who’s going to stop Israel?”

The tensions purposefully escalated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's administration and Israeli extreme right groups have added more bloodshed to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Palestinian youth thus, told the entire world that Jerusalem will not be another Andalusia.

Today, the entire world is witnessing Israeli violations in occupied Palestinian territories as Tel Aviv continues to particularly target peaceful worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

Jerusalem the city of God and ought to remain as such

It is virtually impossible to give up on Jerusalem. In the words of prominent Turkish poet Sezai Karakoç, it is 'the city that was made in heaven and brought down to Earth.' It is 'the city of God and all humanity.' So it ought to remain.

Jerusalem the city of God and ought to remain as
Who can normalize with whom in the Middle East

Who can normalize with whom in the Middle East?

A wind of normalization is blowing through the Middle East. It all started with the Gulf states ending their blockade of Qatar. The trend continued with the United States moving to reinstate the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. The fourth round of talks continues in Vienna, in a notably positive atmosphere, as experts note that it would not be surprising for mutual concessions to lead to an agreement.


The COVID-19 crisis has probably been the most significant and consequential public health crisis the world has faced in the past century. Since the 1917 Spanish flu, this is the first time that the world has dealt a crisis of such magnitude.

High-level delegations from Turkey pay frequent visits to the Libyan capital Tripoli. Most recently, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu attended critical meetings alongside Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Turkish Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Güler and National Intelligence Organization (MİT) chief Hakan Fidan.

Turkey and Egypt took a new step toward normalization, as a Turkish delegation, led by Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Önal, visited Cairo following contact between intelligence chiefs and foreign ministers.

In an address to U.S. Congress last week, President Joe Biden discussed his first 100 days in office. It was a critical period considering the ongoing global pandemic and deep divisions in American society.