Quest for the "Reasonable" in Transition to High School

In brief, the critical issue in building a new system is not whether or not to have an entrance exam. What matters is creating a mechanism in which the entrance exam will be designed to select a limited number of students.

Quest for the quot Reasonable quot in Transition to High
The Search for a Democratic Government Without the Ballot Box

The Search for a Democratic Government Without the Ballot Box

If being a majority will never give an edge and if the majority will not get any respect from the minority, as the liberal-leftist conception of democracy suggests, should we not start talking about the danger of “minority dictatorship” rather than “tyranny of the majority”?


What is most interesting about the Egyptian coup is that both the Salafis and the liberals had no ideological or moral qualms about being in the same frame during the announcement.

The Kurdish grassroots almost completely supporting the solution process of the Kurdish question will also question for how long , from here on, they will continue to bear with the Kurdish political elites who have difficulty to convey the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s message.

The events of July 3 represent nothing but pure political pornography. The sole truth and reality remains: Mohamed Morsi, the elected president of Egypt, lost his power to a military junta and its international solidarity networks.

Held in an environment of weak political process, the 2013 local elections were pale in comparison with other elections and specifically reminded of the 2005 local polls boycotted by the Sunni Arab community.

Cracking Junta in Egypt, and Turkey

It would not be realistic to talk about breaking relations between Egypt and Turkey while not only the Egyptian people but also the Egyptian elites have sympathy for the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Cracking Junta in Egypt and Turkey
The New Constitution-making Process Yet Again

The New Constitution-making Process Yet Again!

It is only through solution-oriented and new constitution-focused policies that the parties can carry out negotiations on the new constitution.


Why do the protestors, a significant majority of whom voted for the CHP, feel under represented? Why should the CHP constituency feel less represented than before?

The Arab Uprisings forcing the dictators to step down in the First Wave are to target the transformation of the old order and the establishment in the Second Wave.

An examination of Turkey and the Arab Spring protests via the main slogans and goals along with a cursory analysis of their political histories is enough to point out their difference in nature.

In a period where the models of administration for the Islamic world are opened to discussion, the model of one of the rooted movements of the world, the Muslim Brotherhood, is not given an opportunity to be tested.