The Massacre in Egypt and Beyond

The August 14 massacre in Egypt proved the helplessness of coup supporters and indicated that the military, which fails to compete against the resistance of the masses through political means, returned back to old methods.

The Massacre in Egypt and Beyond
Egypt A Total Eclipse of the Mind

Egypt: A Total Eclipse of the Mind

At this point, Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi himself might be the most irrelevant person in the country. He was not a notable actor before and he shall not be a notable actor in the future.


Although the 19th century was the European century and the 20th century was the American century, it is forecasted that the 21st century will transform into a more global century led by Asia.

Ulutaş: On-going detentions and massacres in Egypt have shut the door for a political solution in the country.

In order to maintain stability in influx and out flux of capital, investment fund inflows should be encouraged and precautionary measures should be taken for the outflows. The Istanbul Finance Center project will prevent the capital in and out fluxes to be a factor of instability.

The “Assad-Sisi axis” has become one of the paradigms explaining very well the global crisis that we have gone through as far as its actors and global repercussions are concerned.

The 21st Century Pain and the Middle East

One of the most severe pains of the 21st century will be the dissolution of the status quo in the Middle East which presented a luxurious world of geopolitics to the West and to those who kept guard of the regional order on behalf of the West throughout the 20th century.

The 21st Century Pain and the Middle East
Muslim Democracy in Turkey A Threat or An Opportunity

Muslim Democracy in Turkey: A Threat or An Opportunity?

In fact, the evidence suggests the contrary and that it is the Muslim democrats in the current government who initiated direct talks with the Kurds, the Alevis and the Roma people in Turkey for the first time in the Republic's history.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the military was only restoring democracy in Egypt, but we don’t know who is the client, employer or the subcontractor in this restoration job. If it is Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s job to restore democracy, then what is Burns doing in Cairo? If it is Mohamed ElBaradei who will bring “peace” to Egypt, then what keeps Ashton in Egypt?

If one desires to strengthen meritocracy and quality, it is necessary to revise the entire legislation which was drafted with institutional bigotry by “bureaucrats who were unable to be appointed although they wished for it.”

The media sector’s relationship with the government is not the only problem it faces today. The media establishment, media bosses and journalists are shaped by their ideological tendencies, as well as the governments’ positions.

In the last few years, the “Kurdish alienation” has deepened more with the cunning of the PKK-PYD and the support of the Arab nationalism that has risen in the region with the occupation of Iraq.