Turkey between Russia and NATO: Road to Strategic Rebalancing

The new format of deeper and comprehensive Turkish-Russian cooperation after Aug. 9 will include added military and geostrategic elements

Turkey between Russia and NATO Road to Strategic Rebalancing
Russian-Turkish Relations and Conflicted West

Russian-Turkish Relations and Conflicted West

For the last 15 years, in each and every one of Turkey's foreign policy openings, it has become commonplace for certain experts to interpret them as a turning away from the West or an ideological reorientation.


If European leaders had given the strong support Putin gave on the night of July 15, we would today be talking about a "Turkey-EU spring" instead of the "second spring" of Turkey and Russia

Turkish-Russian relations can simply be defined as the normalization of relations and rapprochement between two states after the downing of the Russian jet in Turkey

As the HDP has become rather marginal after the attempted coup, the PKK and Gülenist Terror Cult (FETÖ) have been identified as the two enemies for the country's security and future.

The coup attempt last month has opened new windows of opportunity for Turkey, and foreign observers should seize this opportunity to unlearn everything that they pretend to know - or think they know - about the country

The Sense of Betrayal in Turkish Society after the Coup Attempt

Turkey was only a step toward a broader goal; the organization will certainly continue to disseminate and realize its messianic purpose from East to West. FETO should be considered a global threat to the democratic world order.

The Sense of Betrayal in Turkish Society after the Coup
Yenikapı Consensus

Yenikapı Consensus

The tutelage period of the military was already over and Turkish politicians decided to stand together against this system.


Turkish people demonstrated that this land cannot be designed by pro-Western policies, terrorism, Jacobin behavior and underground illegal organizations

Turkish people from all political backgrounds gathered at the 'Democracy and Martyrs' Rally' in Istanbul to support Turkish democracy

The reaction to the U.S. in Turkey is not about the U.S.'s way of life or its values, it is what the U.S. does not do as an ally of Turkey

Turkey's journey as a rising regional democratic power continues despite multifarious internal and external interventions, but might create surprising new partnerships