The PKK's Actual Objective

Today, the PKK is working to create a civil war in Turkey to secure its presence not only in Turkey but also in Syria

The PKK's Actual Objective
Notes for the Next Administration About Turkey

Notes for the Next Administration About Turkey

U.S. presidential candidates should note what was discussed in the meeting between Turkish and U.S. leaders at the G20 summit. They may soon desire better relations with Turkey


The current discussion ongoing with a focus on FETÖ's confessions is turning into an interrogation that attributes the crimes of an unprecedented totalitarian and operational structure to other Islamic factions.

The Hangzhou summit will be a perfect opportunity for Erdoğan to brief world leaders face to face concerning the recent predicament that his country came through over the course of the last few months

The most significant humanitarian crisis since World War II has taken place in the middle of the Middle East. The world will remember this with three different pictures of war.

U.S. President Barack Obama once said during an interview that he resented President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan because he did not employ his great army to fight DAESH.

Justice Comes First

The justice and the mutual sense of trust is the key to the effectiveness of institutions and living together.

Justice Comes First
Operation Euphrates Shield Goals and Challenges

Operation Euphrates Shield: Goals and Challenges

Having launched operation Euphrates Shield on Aug. 24, Turkey not only helped the Free Syrian Army (FSA) liberate Jarablus but also became directly involved in the Syrian civil war.


Constitutively, the “Euphrates Shield” operation had two phases. The first phase aimed to liberate several villages and areas in the west and south of Jarabulus in order to be able to lay siege to the city. In the second phase, an offensive attack enabled the entrance of the aforementioned forces to the city center.

The YPG's attacking two Turkish tanks that fight against DAESH in south Jarablus is a declaration of war on Turkey

The increasing intensity of terrorist attacks on Turkish soil by both DAESH and PKK operatives demonstrate that Turkey's entrance in Syria will create shockwaves by the illicit structures on the ground.

Turkey's latest operations in northern Syria will turn a new page in the fight against terrorism in the Middle East