Malaysian politician voices support for Erdogan

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim lauds Erdogan for showing courage on key issues

Malaysian politician voices support for Erdogan
Who will swing voters support in Sunday's elections

Who will swing voters support in Sunday's elections?

Turkey is heading to the polls on Sunday to vote for its president and parliament members. Almost 55 million voters are expected to participate in the elections. The political parties had formed alliances months ago before the election campaigns kicked off.


European states have established an anti-Erdoğan and anti-AK Party international coalition in the run up to the June 24 elections

Tehran sees Turkey's counterterrorism operation in Qandil as a threat to its influence over Iraq and across the region more generally

Since the announcement of the Turkey-U.S. agreement on the city of Manbij, there have been a lot of comments about its significance for the future of Turkish-American relations. It is important to reiterate certain significant dimensions of this agreement.

The Turkish people will choose a leader who will skillfully manage the country in a rapidly changing and unpredictable global system, in which even historical allies are turning against one another

Why do CHP, HDP oppose the Qandil operation?

The CHP and HDP are trying to hand in hand to prevent the Turkish government from increasing its fight against the PKK and FETÖ terrorist groups

Why do CHP HDP oppose the Qandil operation
Trump-Kim agreement A diplomatic success or a public spectacle

Trump-Kim agreement: A diplomatic success or a public spectacle?

U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Leader Kim Jong Un's historic summit on Sentosa Island, Singapore ended with the signing of a document and joint statement from the two leaders. The two agreed to work on complete denuclearization and joining their efforts to build lasting and stable peace on the Korean Peninsula.


Turkey is heading toward one of the most critical general elections next Sunday that will kick-start the practical implementation of the presidential government system.

One of the most discussed issues in Washington, D.C. nowadays is the Iran strategy of the Trump administration.

Trump's unilateralist foreign policy is leading the U.S. down a self-destructive path while increasing the competition and tension between global powers

The so-called 'fight against radicalization' seen in Austria and across Europe in general, only encourages discrimination and alienates Muslims from society through a far more destructive form of radicalism