Erdoğan's strong leadership facilitates Turkey's regional policy

Had it not been for President Erdoğan's strong leadership, Turkey might have panicked in the face of pressing issues and failed to prevent existing problems or meet new challenges

Erdoğan's strong leadership facilitates Turkey's regional policy
Opposition alliance fails to remain united in new Parliament

Opposition alliance fails to remain united in new Parliament

The chaos unleashed on Turkey's opposition by the June 24 elections won't be over anytime soon. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the chairman of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) that oversaw the formation of the Nation Alliance by "lending" 15 parliamentarians to the newly-formed Good Party (İP), has his back to the wall.


Turkey's fight against FETÖ is not over, but gets even deeper as the full extent of the terrorist group's secretive structure gradually emerges

The Turkish people chose Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as the first president of the new presidential system in their country on June 24, making him win his 13th race for elections since 2002.

Turkey's opposition remains unable to overcome the emotional trauma of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's first-round victory in the June 24 presidential election.

In the post-elections era, Ankara is set to follow a multi-dimensional independent foreign policy, facing both regional and global challenges by pursuing rational steps and strategies

The last and next five years in Turkey

Concentrating on the results of the June 24 elections in Turkey, I temporarily turned a blind eye to Western media's coverage of this historic vote.

The last and next five years in Turkey
Tips to improve the Ankara-Washington friendship

Tips to improve the Ankara-Washington friendship

The improvement of Turkish-U.S. ties depends on the formation of strong and strategic cooperation between the two countries in the coming period


The June 24 elections were positioned as a critical juncture in Turkish political life in many aspects.

Turkey's democratic credentials received another great boost this week with the successful completion of the historic general and presidential elections under universal free and fair procedural standards.

All eyes in the Middle East are now on Turkey, which after the presidential elections is on the brink of a major transformation process in its approach to foreign policy

The June 24 presidential and parliamentary elections have been finalized. The results were not at all surprising for those who closely follow Turkish politics.