YPG is Turkey's red line in Syria, Erdoğan to tell Trump in Paris

President Erdoğan's visit to Paris for Armistice Day commemorations is expected to see a meeting with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, during which key issues, particularly FETÖ and the YPG, will be discussed

YPG is Turkey's red line in Syria Erdoğan to tell
The 2018 midterm elections and their implications for Trump's presidency

The 2018 midterm elections and their implications for Trump's presidency

After the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats' focus will be more on domestic affairs, while Trump intends to pursue a more active foreign policy and use it as a political opportunity


The U.S.' unilateral sanctions on Iran have made it more difficult to do business in Iran and trade with Iranian companies, according to Turkish businesspeople and experts

The U.S. has decided to put a bounty on the heads of top three PKK terrorists. The step has been seen in Ankara as a belated move and insufficient to restore trust in ties, as Washington continues to back the YPG – the PKK's Syrian offshoot

The Trump administration's complete disregard for international institutions and norms, commitment to unilateralism, ability to weaponize economic sanctions, populism, selfish nationalism, willingness to transform immigration into a national security threat, and isolationism have been slowly changing Western democracies.

The Khashoggi murder will make the Saudis more dependent on external actors; this in turn could push it to become a common problem for the whole international community

US needs more than fictional heroes to halt decline

The U.S.' global influence and power is rapidly diminishing as a lack of political strategy in U.S. foreign policy is leaving the country more isolated than ever among its allies

US needs more than fictional heroes to halt decline
Celebrating the Republic with concrete action

Celebrating the Republic with concrete action

By completing megaprojects like Istanbul's new airport, Turkey is setting an example for the entire region by promoting closer integration with the rest of the world, pursuing its national interest and promoting an inclusive national identity


Two prominent regional powers in the Middle East made headlines this week for entirely different reasons.

The polarized atmosphere in the U.S. keeps increasing as midterm elections approach, offering an alarming picture of the deep divisions in American society

Turkish talks with US to be exempt from oil sanctions unlikely to succeed, warns analyst, leading to sanctions on Turkey

The mainstream global media, using its wide network of facilities, portrays Palestinians defending their freedom as enemies rebelling against the ‘peaceful' Israeli state