Saudi politics after Khashoggi

The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has become a milestone in Saudi politics. Many American media outlets reported that the CIA concluded in a report that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the de facto ruler of the country, personally ordered the killing of Khashoggi.

Saudi politics after Khashoggi
5 Questions The Palermo Conference and the Future of the

5 Questions: The Palermo Conference and the Future of the Crisis in Libya

Why did the Turkish delegation withdraw from the Conference on Libya held in Palermo, Italy? What is Turkey’s position on the Libyan crisis? What is at the source of the Libyan crisis? Could the Conference on Libya in Palermo be a solution to the crisis? Is a solution possible in Libya?


President Trump continues to express skepticism about MBS's direct involvement in the Khashoggi murder, while criticizing the inconsistent and contradictory statements from Saudi officials about the killing

The CHP leader has launched his party's campaign for upcoming local elections, seeking to form a strong alliance, but tough days are waiting for him as his rivals, the AK Party and the MHP, are still strong enough to defeat his party

The same day the congressional elections took place in the U.S., the State Department announced that it would offer rewards for information leading to the arrest of three major PKK figures, namely Murat Karayılan, Cemil Bayık and Duran Kalkan.

Saudi Arabia's deepest concern is that one of the suspects could tell Turkish authorities exactly who gave the order to kill Jamal Khashoggi – which is why they won't send the killers to Turkey

A warning from Erdoğan and a war of words in Paris

President Erdoğan has called on Western powers to stop trying to negotiate new Sykes-Picot style agreements in the Middle East and North Africa, and urges them to support Turkey's fight against terrorism

A warning from Erdoğan and a war of words in
World War I never ended in the Middle East

World War I never ended in the Middle East

The traces of the World War I can still be observed in the Middle East, which is caught between global powers pursuing their interests and local actors struggling with conflicts and civil wars


US sanctions on Iran may increase Turkey-Iraq trade WHILE the implications of the second round of U.S. sanctions against Iran on the regional economy are being discussed, experts said that Turkish goods could dominate the Iraqi market with the decline in imports of Iranian goods due to the sanctions.

This time the pollsters in the U.S. did not fail to accurately predict the major outcome of the elections..

For the time being, Washington and Ankara find themselves in a favorable position to hold talks and the two must now take constructive, concrete steps regarding potential flashpoints in the region

Ankara will never allow the YPG, or whatever the Americans intend to call it in the future, to represent Syrian Kurds at the negotiating table