Iranian Normalization?

Only time will tell whether a desire for such change will emerge in the political in Iran, and if it does, whether it will be achieved. Similarly, the answer to the question “Does the West prefer a normalized Iran in the region” is yet to become clear.

Iranian Normalization
Insight Turkey Has Become a Source of Reference in the

Insight Turkey Has Become a Source of Reference in the World

We interviewed Insight Turkey Editor-in-chief Professor Talip Küçükcan on the accomplishments and the new editorial team of Insight Turkey and for his future projections of the journal.


The West makes an effort to win Iran back because a controllable Iran is the most natural ally of the West in the region.

The Angola issue will pave the way for discussions over Islamophobia again as its profound impacts are becoming more visible in the third world countries lately.

The political performance presented in the Diyarbakır visit of Massoud Barzani, President of the Kurdish Regional Administration in Northern Iraq, and of Erdoğan will create an effect of clearing the early reservations of the Kurdish Movement about the political ground and political strength of Erdoğan.

Unless the US immediately broadens its perspective, there will be no guarantees that the new agreement with Iran will not suffer the same fate the Tehran agreement Turkey and Brazil achieved three years ago.

The Constitution Shackle and Democratization

It is impossible for the old tutelary foundation that is cemented by the Constitution to carry the emerging new edifice of Turkey.

The Constitution Shackle and Democratization
The Erdoğan Momentum' and the Kurdish Question

The ‘Erdoğan Momentum' and the Kurdish Question

The most striking characteristic of the last five years is the “Erdoğan momentum” that has developed a constituent politics and created significant structural turning points when impasses occur.


Taha Özhan: Hosting Massoud Barzani in Diyarbakır is a significant turning point which has a consistent decade-old background history, and we may regard it as an ultimate-point for the state.

The peace process, just as all other components of the Israeli occupation, is merely meant to maintain a permanent state of crisis management for a permanent occupation.

For all these years, neither the Ikhwan changed the state nor did the state change the Ikhwan.

The disagreement between Turkey and the US on the Syrian issue and the coup d’état in Egypt are contributing factors to increased criticism of Turkey in Washington.