What Is It That Al-Qaeda Covers Up?

The slanderous claim of Erdoğan-al Qaeda link has been systematically voiced by the Gulen Group in Turkey. It is impossible to distinguish the mentality behind this slander from the Baath mentality in Syria or the US mentality in Afghanistan.

What Is It That Al-Qaeda Covers Up
Was Assad Alone in Committing the Massacres

Was Assad Alone in Committing the Massacres?

These photographs are the best proof of why Assad is still standing. These massacres could not have been committed by the Baath regime alone. Just like Milosevic, the racist, Sisi the ouster, Israel the occupier, the Assad regime could inflict atrocities on two conditions.


The February 7, 2013 and the December 17, 2013 plots (against the government) have shown to the politics and the society the possible cost to be incurred if the Gulen Movement maintain today the strategy they have adopted under the conditions of the Old Turkey.

Two different constitutions were drafted and put on a popular vote in three years after Hosni Mobarak was overthrown in Egypt.

Developments such as the destruction of the weapons of mass destruction and softening relations between Iran and the international system may generate a different motivation in the upcoming negotiations.

We must realise that Sharon is only one face - albeit all-encompassing of the same persistent calamity: Israeli apartheid and colonisation.

The Possibility of General Sisi's Becoming President

It is possible to say that the next step for the Egyptian Minister of Defense, General Abdel Fattah al Sisi, will be the presidential post. This is because new campaign groups and movements to support his candidacy have already surfaced.

The Possibility of General Sisi's Becoming President
The Road to a Visa-free Europe

The Road to a Visa-free Europe

As the road map progresses, the EU is expected to gradually introduce visa facilitation for Turkey. A full visa exemption is stipulated to take place at the end of the process through the EU’s standard procedures.


For now, Yanukovich seems to drift away from pro-western path in his foreign policy considering its Russian originated imminent political and economic consequences.

For the Egyptian administrations, the month of November has turned into a nightmare for the last two years. The developments of the last two weeks remind the period which followed the Constitution Declaration promulgated by President Mohammed Morsi in November 2012.

Foreign policy activities of Turkey continue in distant and different lands of the world, and Somalia is the best example of this.

An agreement that included almost all of the terms in the recent deal had been signed among Turkey, Brazil and Iran in 2010.