The Fall of Ikhwan and the Future of Ennahda

What does Ennahda movement do in order not to share the same fate with the Morsi administration in Egypt and what are the difficulties it comes across?

The Fall of Ikhwan and the Future of Ennahda
Kemalism and Normalization

Kemalism and Normalization

Turkey will suffer from normalization pains just a while longer. Issues stemming from Kemalism will continue to plague our daily lives until the articles that regulate state-religion, military-civilian and state-citizen relations in the Constitution are amended.


As one Kurdish issue is being resolved, another is being created. The new Kurdish issue is nothing but “the PKK’s Kurdish issue.”

Both Egyptian and Turkish armies have wielded disproportionate influence on the political course of their respective countries. Their roles were not confined to security sectors, as expected from an army in a democratic political sphere.

In the multi-phased peace process, we face an entity that keeps employing unreasonable provocations in the “withdrawal” phase, the first leg of a road map on which their leader proceeds through consensus.

Is it possible and correct that Muslim-majority societies and Islam accept the concept of “deliberative democracy” which is acceptable in fully secular West European societies and U.S. where Christianity has almost no effect on political and social spheres given its transformation in centuries?

The Arab Spring and the Appropriation of the "War On Terror"

Since January 2011, Arab regimes have also employed the terrorism card to maintain their grip on government.

The Arab Spring and the Appropriation of the quot War
Muslim Democracy in Turkey A Threat or An Opportunity

Muslim Democracy in Turkey: A Threat or An Opportunity?

In fact, the evidence suggests the contrary and that it is the Muslim democrats in the current government who initiated direct talks with the Kurds, the Alevis and the Roma people in Turkey for the first time in the Republic's history.


If one desires to strengthen meritocracy and quality, it is necessary to revise the entire legislation which was drafted with institutional bigotry by “bureaucrats who were unable to be appointed although they wished for it.”

If being a majority will never give an edge and if the majority will not get any respect from the minority, as the liberal-leftist conception of democracy suggests, should we not start talking about the danger of “minority dictatorship” rather than “tyranny of the majority”?

The Kurdish grassroots almost completely supporting the solution process of the Kurdish question will also question for how long , from here on, they will continue to bear with the Kurdish political elites who have difficulty to convey the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s message.

Why do the protestors, a significant majority of whom voted for the CHP, feel under represented? Why should the CHP constituency feel less represented than before?