The United Nations | African Perspective
The importance of addressing the effectiveness of the roles of the U.N. in Africa comes in the wake of the increasing frequency of criticism and growing demands for equitable representation of the continent in the agencies of the international organization, especially the Security Council.
The central idea of this analysis revolves around explaining the African perspective of the United Nations and its role in resolving regional armed conflicts, reducing poverty levels, and preventing or limiting illegal immigration out of the continent. The analysis discusses the limits of the effectiveness of the U.N.’s various organs in joint work and collaboration with the institutions of the African Union on these issues. The importance of addressing the effectiveness of the roles of the U.N. in Africa comes in the wake of the increasing frequency of criticism and growing demands for equitable representation of the continent in the agencies of the international organization, especially the Security Council, and what Africa sees as an objective entitlement to have permanent membership, with two seats, or at least one.
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